Express Software Manager Help
Backing up the Express database
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Express Software Manager, we recommend that you back up your existing Express Database prior to performing the upgrade to this version.
Before backing up the Express Database, have the following information handy:
The name of your Express Database
The SQL Server administrative account name (typically "sa") and password
If you have a full SQL Server installation, you can use the SQL Server Enterprise Manager utility to create the backup. If you do not have this tool (for example, you are using MSDE), you can create a backup by using OSQL, the SQL command line utility.
To back up your Express Database from the machine where SQL Server is installed:
Bring up a DOS box.
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 users: Issue the following command:
osql -E -Q"BACKUP DATABASE <database-name> to disk = '<path>\<database-name>.bak' WITH INIT"
<database-name> is the name of your Express Database
<path> is the location you want the backup file written
For example, if your database name is ExpressDB, the command would be:
ExpressDB TO
DISK = 'c:\Temp\Express.bak' WITH INIT"
Note: The C:\Temp directory must already exist and the Express.bak file cannot exist; it will created in that folder.
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008 users: Issue the following command:
osql -S<server-name\instance-if-any> -E -Q"BACKUP DATABASE <database-name> to disk ='<path>\<database-name>.bak' WITH INIT"
If you are creating the backup from a different machine (which still requires that OSQL is installed on the machine):
Bring up a DOS box.
Issue the following command:
osql –S<database-server>
-U<user> -P<password> -Q"BACKUP DATABASE
<database-name> to disk = '<UNC
path>\<database-name>.bak' WITH INIT"
<database-server> is the name of the machine on which SQL Server is installed
<user> is the SQL Server administrative account (typically sa)
<password> is the password for that account
<database-name> is the name of your Express Database
<UNC path> is the location you want the backup file written in the context of the SQL Server machine
For example, if your database server is called ESMdbSrv, you are using the default ExpressDB database with a password of "sapwd" on the "sa: account and you have shared out a folder as "temp" on your database server, the command would be:
osql –SESMdbSrv –Usa –Psapwd -Q"BACKUP DATABASE ExpressDB to disk ='\\ESMdbSrv\temp\express.bak' WITH INIT"
Notes: The \\ESMdbSrv\temp directory must exist and be shared out, and the Express.bak file cannot exist; it will be created in the specified folder on the database server machine.
Important note: As mentioned above, the location of the backup file is specified in the context of the machine running SQL Server, NOT the machine on which the OSQL command is issued. This means that:
If backing up using a local path specification, the path is on the SQL Server machine
If backing up to a network share, the account under which SQL Server is running must have proper credentials to access that share.
For more information on creating database backups, see Tech Note 1596 on the Express Metrix Support Web site (