Express Software Manager Help
Overview: Express Today
Express Today is a page that shows a summary of your Express Software Manager configuration.
The larger, center portion of the Express Today screen displays information about your current configuration. The links on this page are "live" and will navigate you to the appropriate panel.
You can also use the icons in the Express bar on the left to move to other areas of the Administrative Console:
Express Today panel—Displays a summary of your Express Software Manager configuration.
License Units panel—Displays configured applications and allows you to organize them into suites and license units.
Files panel—Displays files and file information and allows you to identify applications and organize their files.
Machines panel—Displays all known client computers on your network.
Other Assets panel—Displays any other assets (hardware devices) you've manually added to your Express configuration.
Users panel—Displays all the users allowed in the network.
The Evaluation Checklist on the right-hand side of Express Today can help you get started. Suggested tasks are listed here, and you can click any of the steps for more information on completing them.
See the online help that accompanies the Administrative Console for more information on Express Today and the Administrative Console. You can also use the Click here for help link at the top right of each panel in the Administrative Console to learn more.