Conversation window

This window lists all the items that are related to the item you selected in the Review pane.

Item id

Shows the Discovery Accelerator ID of the item to which the list items are related.

Conversation thread

Lists the items in the conversation. The items are sorted by sender or date and, where possible, by their place in the item hierarchy. To change the sort order, click the header of the column by which you want to sort the items.

Unreviewed items are shown in bold.

Downloads the current item in its original form and opens it in the appropriate application. You can also download an item by right-clicking the item and then clicking "View original".


Shows the mark that is assigned to the current item.


Shows the status of the current item.

Refresh List

Updates the list to show the latest items.


Lets you type a comment to add to the current item. To add a comment to all the items in the conversation, right-click any item and then click "Mark all items from this conversation". Then type the comment and click OK.


Provides a preview of the current item. This pane also identified the mark that is assigned to the item and shows the status of the item.


Displays the comments that reviewers have added to the current item.


Displays the audit history of the current item.


Displays a printable version of the current item.

Legal holds

Displays information on any holds that you have placed on the current item to stops users from deleting it from their Enterprise Vault archives.

Flagged/No mark/Not relevant/Relevant

Applies the required mark to the current item. To apply a mark to all the items in the conversation, right-click any item and then click "Mark all items from this conversation". Then select the required mark and click OK.

If displayed, lets you apply tags (secondary marks) to the current item.

Tags differ from marks in that you can assign multiple tags to an item, but you can assign one mark only. In addition, by assigning a mark to an item, you also assign the associated status to it. This is not the case with tags, which do not have an associated status.

To apply a tag to all the items in the conversation, right-click any item and then click "Mark all items from this conversation". Then select the required tag and click OK.

If displayed, lets you accept the mark or tag with which Discovery Accelerator has automatically categorized the current item.

If displayed, lets you select a folder in which to copy either the current item or all the items in the case.