Assigning department reviewers, compliance supervisors, and delegates

Compliance Accelerator makes it easy to assign a number of key roles to the users of a department.

Department reviewers can review and mark the items in a department, export items for offline review, and generate and view reports. These users can also store items in research folders for further investigation.

Compliance supervisors can appraise the work of department reviewers and manage any exception employees in the department. Like department reviewers, compliance supervisors can also store items in personal folders for further research.

You can also assign an employee as a delegate for another reviewer or supervisor. The delegate automatically has reviewer access to the review sets of all the departments and exceptions for which the principal reviewer or supervisor is responsible. These departments and exceptions include those that are the result of inherited permissions or membership of a reviewer group or supervisor group. The only task that a delegate can perform on behalf of the principal reviewer is to review items. Delegate status does not bestow any other benefits.

Table: Permissions required to assign department reviewers, compliance supervisors, and delegates


Permission needed

Roles that provide this permission

Assign a department reviewer or compliance supervisor to a department.

Grant Users Access.

User Admin.

Assign a reviewer to an exception employee.

Manage Exceptions.

Compliance Supervisor, Rule Admin, or User Admin.

Make one user a delegate reviewer for another.

Manage Delegates.

App User Admin.

To assign a department reviewer, compliance supervisor, or delegate

  1. Click the Departments tab in the Compliance Accelerator client.

  2. In the Users pane at the left, click the name of the user to whom you want to assign a role.

  3. Do one or more of the following:

    To make the user a department reviewer.

    1. Click Choose Action, and then click Assign Departments To Review.

    2. Select one or more departments in which to make the user a reviewer.

      Compliance Accelerator lists the departments in which you have Grant Users Access permission and which you have yet to assign to this user.

    3. Click OK.

    To make the user a reviewer for an exception employee.

    1. Click Choose Action, and then click Assign Exceptions To Review.

    2. Select one or more exception employees to whom you want to assign the user.

      Compliance Accelerator lists the available exception employees.

    3. Click OK.

    To make the user a compliance supervisor in a department.

    1. Click Choose Action, and then click Assign Departments To Supervise.

    2. Select one or more departments in which to make the user a compliance supervisor.

      Compliance Accelerator lists the departments in which you have Grant Users Access permission and which you have yet to assign to this user.

    3. Click OK.

    To make the user a delegate for another reviewer.

    1. Click Choose Action, and then click Make The User A Delegate.

    2. Select one or more principal reviewers to whom you want to assign this user as a delegate.

      You can assign several delegates to a reviewer or supervisor. However, you cannot assign groups as delegates.

    3. Click OK.

    To assign a delegate reviewer to the user.

    1. Click Choose Action, and then click Assign Delegate.

    2. Select one or more reviewers whom you want to assign to this user as a delegate.

    3. Click OK.


    Another way to perform these actions is to drag users or departments from the left pane and drop them on the options at the right.