Performing an export run

If you want to review items offline or present them in evidence to a third party, you must export them from Compliance Accelerator. There are several output formats from which to choose, including HTML, MSG, and PST. Exporting the items as HTML lets you export review marking information along with each item.

You must have the Export Messages permission to export items from a department. By default, all the reviewers and supervisors in the department have this permission. However, the option to export escalated items is available to those with the Export Escalations permission only. By default, only users with the role of escalation reviewer have this permission.

To perform an export run

  1. Click the Departments tab in the Compliance Accelerator client.

  2. In the left pane, click the department from which you want to export items.

    If Compliance Accelerator lists a lot of departments, you can filter the list with the fields at the top of the pane. As well as filtering the departments by name, you can choose whether to list any research folders that are associated with them.

  3. Click the Export tab.

  4. Click New at the top of the window.

  5. In the Name box, type a name for the run.

    The name that you specify here becomes the name of the subfolder in which Compliance Accelerator stores the output from the run.

  6. In the Output folder box, type the path to the folder on the Compliance Accelerator server in which you want to store the output from the run.

    Compliance Accelerator places the output from the run in a subfolder of the nominated folder.

  7. In the Items Selection box, choose the items that you want to export.

    The options are as follows:

    Message type

    Selects items by their type, such as Microsoft Exchange or Fax.

    Message direction

    Selects items that are traveling in a certain direction.

    Capture method

    Selects items that have either been captured and added to the review set using the monitoring policy (Randomly Sampled) or captured as a result of searches (Search).

    Policy action

    Selects items by the action with which the Enterprise Vault Automatic Classification Engine has tagged them. This action can be one of the following: Inclusion (demands or suggests capture), Exclusion (precludes capture or advocates non-capture), and No Action (the item is subject to normal random sampling).

    Date captured

    Selects items that Compliance Accelerator captured over the specified period.


    Selects items that the specified search has captured.

    Current action status

    Selects items by their action status, such as Unreviewed, Pending, Questioned, or Reviewed.

    Current action status author

    Selects items by the person who last assigned a review mark to them.

    Escalation status

    Selects items by whether they have been escalated to an escalation reviewer and subsequently closed by that reviewer.

    Escalation owner

    Selects items by the escalation reviewer who has responsibility for them.

    Escalated by

    Selects items by the person who escalated them to an escalation reviewer for further attention.

    Current appraisal status

    Selects items by whether a supervisor has appraised them. This option is only visible to supervisors with Apply Appraisal Status permission.

    Current appraisal status author

    Selects items by the supervisor who last assigned a mark to them. This option is only visible to supervisors with Apply Appraisal Status permission.


    Selects items by the specific policy with which the Enterprise Vault Automatic Classification Engine has tagged them.

    Item ID

    Specifies the ID of an individual item that you want to export. To determine the ID of an item, view the item in the Review pane.

  8. In the Options box, choose whether to export the items in their original format or as HTML.

    If you click Original Type, you can choose to output Microsoft Exchange items as individual MSG files or encapsulate them all in a single Personal Folders (.pst) file. If you click PST, Compliance Accelerator displays some additional options with which you can set a password and a maximum size for the file. The password can contain alphanumeric characters only.

    If you click HTML, Compliance Accelerator displays some additional options with which you can choose to include comments and mark history, and the contents of attachments.

  9. Type the number of items that you want to export.

  10. If you are exporting file system items or Lotus Domino items and want to make them read-only so that they cannot be changed or accidentally deleted, check Read Only.

  11. Click Apply.

  12. When the run has finished, open the output folder on the Compliance Accelerator server to retrieve the exported items.

    The output folder also contains reports in HTML, plain-text, and XML formats. All three reports list the items that you have exported, and the HTML report provides hyperlinks to the items.

More Information

About the Compliance Accelerator permissions

Exporting items from the review set of an exception employee

Making the export IDs visible in Microsoft Outlook