Defining a retention plan

If you have previously created a retention plan XML file you can modify that file. If necessary, you can use the EVDominoRetentionPlans.exe tool to extract the existing retention plans from Enterprise Vault to a file that you can edit.

To extract the existing retention plans from Enterprise Vault and save them in the file MyPlans.xml:

EVDominoRetentionPlans.exe -save MyPlans.xml

In the Enterprise Vault program folder there is an example retention plans XML file that you can copy and modify as required. The file is Example RetentionPlans.xml in .

The example file defines retention plans 'All Users' and 'Projects'.

The 'All Users' retention plan does the following:

The 'Projects' retention plan does the following:

The XML file assigns retention plans to provisioning groups as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

	<!-- Start of defining retention plans -->

		<!-- Start of 'All Users' retention plan -->
			<FOLDER NAME="Retention Folders">
				<FOLDER NAME="Business Records" RETCAT="Business"/>
				<FOLDER NAME="Customer Mails" RETCAT="Customers"/>
		<!-- End of 'All users' retention plan -->

		<!-- Start of 'Projects' retention plan -->
			<FOLDER NAME="Retention Folders">
				<FOLDER NAME="Business Records" RETCAT="Business"/>
				<FOLDER NAME="Customer Mails" RETCAT="Customers"/>
				<FOLDER NAME="Projects" ARCHIVENOW="true">
					<FOLDER NAME="Project X" RETCAT="Project X"/>
					<FOLDER NAME="Project Y" RETCAT="Project Y"/>

				<!-- Delete temporary folder 'Test' -->
				<FOLDER NAME="Test" DELETE="true"/>
		<!-- End of 'Projects' retention plan -->

	<!-- End of defining retention plans -->

	<!-- Assign retention plans to provisioning groups -->
			<GROUP NAME="Project members" RETENTIONPLAN="Projects"/>
	<!-- End of assigning retention plans to provisioning groups -->


Note the following: