Defining which addresses are internal

To determine whether addresses are internal or external addresses, Enterprise Vault uses the SMTP address domains listed for the system mailbox account associated with the Enterprise Vault Journaling task. You can see the email addresses associated with a mailbox in Active Directory.

For example, if the following SMTP addresses are listed for the system mailbox:

then any of the following addresses will be recognized as internal:

where [*.] means the string can be repeated, as in

Any other addresses are treated as external.

With Exchange Server filtering, addresses from local Microsoft Exchange Servers are also regarded as internal. (These addresses include the MAPI attribute, PR_SENDER_ADDRTYPE.)

For Exchange Server users, you can change the email addresses associated with a mailbox in Active Directory.

Alternatively, you can specify additional internal domains using the InternalSMTPDomains registry key.

To add domains using the registry key, do the following on each computer with an Enterprise Vault Journaling task

  1. Start Regedit and navigate to the following location:

      \Enterprise Vault
  2. Create a new String Value called InternalSMTPDomains.

  3. Modify the key and in the Value Data field enter the required domains as a semicolon delimited string. For example, setting this string to the following means that addresses such as and will also be treated as internal:
