Single Instance Storage Reduction Summary report

This Enterprise Vault Reporting report shows the storage reduction that has resulted from Enterprise Vault single instance storage for each vault store group in an entire site.

For more information on Enterprise Vault single instance storage, see "How single instance storage works" in Installing and Configuring.

Table: Report input parameters shows the parameters that you specify for this report.

Table: Report input parameters


Lets you do this

Site Name

Select the Enterprise Vault site.

The report output provides the storage reduction information for the site as a summary, a chart, and a table:

Table: Report output: storage reduction per vault store group table lists the information that is shown in the report's table for each vault store group.

Table: Report output: storage reduction per vault store group table



Vault Store Group Name

The vault store group for which data is shown.

Number of References to Shareable Parts

The number of references that exist to the shareable parts (SIS parts) in the vault store group.

Before it stores a SIS part, Enterprise Vault checks whether an identical SIS part is already stored within the target vault store's sharing boundary. If an identical SIS part is already stored, Enterprise Vault references the stored SIS part and does not store it again.

The ratio of the number of references and the number of parts gives some indication of the amount of storage duplication saved.

Number of Shareable Parts

The number of SIS parts for the items that are stored within the target vault store group.

Total On-Disk Size (GB)

Total size in gigabytes of the items on disk before they were archived.

Total Original Size (GB)

Total original size in gigabytes of the archived items, before any savings that are due to Enterprise Vault single instance storage.

Total Compressed Size (GB)

Total size in gigabytes of the archived items.

Storage Reduction (GB)

The total original size minus the total compressed size, in gigabytes. The value indicates the storage reduction that Enterprise Vault single instance storage has produced for the vault store group.

Storage Reduction (%)

The total original size minus the total compressed size, as a percentage value.