<ExchangeServerName>\<Identifier Key>


   \Enterprise Vault
	 \Exch2k JournalMbxs
	 \<Identifier Key>


Agents is a key that you must create if it does not already exist.

<ExchangeServerName> is the LanMan of the Exchange Server computer

<Identifier Key> can be any name you like.

Under <Identifier Key>, set up the following string values:

  • JournalMailboxDn - set this to contain the active directory distinguished name for the journal mailbox.

  • JournalVaultId - set this to contain the vault ID taken from the Vault Directory database.

  • Create more <Identifier Key> keys as necessary, with JournalMailboxDn and JournalVaultId String values.


For details, see the Administration Console help topic "Journaling Multiple Exchange 2000 Mailboxes".