Compliance Accelerator and Discovery Accelerator

Enterprise Vault also provides applications for compliance monitoring activities and data mining activities, such as legal discovery.

Legislation by regulatory bodies, such as SEC, NYSE and NASD, means that financial and legal organizations are obliged to retain an increasing amount of electronic correspondence and data. Outside the financial services sector, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 extends the length of time that corporate data needs to be available for audit. Enterprise Vault enables organizations to capture, store and retrieve the relevant data. The Enterprise Vault Accelerator products, Compliance Accelerator and Discovery Accelerator, provide specialized web tools for capturing, searching and reviewing data that has been archived using Enterprise Vault.

Compliance Accelerator provides a capture and review system for monitoring employee messages to ensure compliance with industry regulations or company policy. A random sample of journaled messages (inbound and outbound) can be captured daily and reviewed by compliance officers using the Compliance Accelerator Web interface. In addition, compliance administrators can run regular searches to find messages that meet certain criteria, for example, messages that contain unacceptable language.

Discovery Accelerator is specially tailored for performing enterprise-wide searches to find archived items relating to a legal case. Using the Discovery Accelerator Web interface, case administrators can run searches for relevant data. Case reviewers can then review the items returned by the searches and produce the required items in a format suitable for presenting as evidence.