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Creating a VCS service group for Enterprise Vault

Note that the Enterprise Vault Cluster Setup wizard is available from the Windows Start menu if you install Enterprise Vault after you install VCS. If you install Enterprise Vault first, you must separately install the wizard. To do this, locate and run the file Enterprise Vault Cluster Setup Wizard.msi.

To create a VCS service group for Enterprise Vault

  1. Start the Enterprise Vault Cluster Setup Wizard.

  2. Review the information in the Welcome page, and then click Next to display the Wizard Options page.

  3. Click Create service group, and then click Next to display the Service Group Configuration page.

  4. In the Service Group Name box, type a name for the group, such as EVGRP1.

  5. Move to the Systems in Priority Order box those systems on which you want to configure the service group.

    If you want to change the priority of the systems in the Systems in Priority Order box, click a system and then click the up-arrow or down-arrow button.

  6. Click Next to validate the configuration and display the Virtual Server Configuration page.

  7. Complete the fields by following these steps in the order listed:

    • In the Virtual Server Name box, type the server name that you mapped to the virtual IP address when you set up the static DNS entry.

    • In the Virtual IP address box, type the address that you mapped to the virtual server. This should be in the same subnet as the current computer, but it should not currently be in use on the network.

    • Enter the subnet mask to which the virtual server belongs.

    • For each system in the cluster, select the public network adapter name.

      The wizard lists all the TCP/IP-enabled adapters on the system, including the private network adapters if they are TCP/IP enabled. Be sure to select the adapters to assign to the public network, and not those assigned to the private network.

    • Click Advanced to specify details for the Lanman resource.

      You must select the distinguished name of the organizational unit for the virtual server. By default, the Lanman resource adds the virtual server to the default container Computers.

      The user account for VCS Helper service must have adequate privileges on the specified container to create and update computer accounts.

  8. In the Virtual Server Configuration page, click Next to display the MSMQ and RegRep Directory Details page.

    This page enables you to virtualize the MSMQ resource so that it can be accessed using its virtual name. This resource also ensures that the queue state is maintained after failover.

  9. Complete the fields as follows:

    • In the MSMQ Directory field, enter the path to the required directory.

    • In the Replication Directory field, enter the path to the registry replication directory. The replication data contains a list of the registry keys to replicate.

    We recommend that you configure the MSMQ and replication directories on different volumes.

  10. Click Next to display the Storage Location Details page.

    This page lets you select the volumes that you want to configure for Enterprise Vault services.

    A volume is available for selection only if you have configured it on the shared disk. The available volumes do not include those that you selected in the previous page of the wizard, when specifying the storage locations for MSMQ and registry replication.

  11. In the Available Volumes box, select each volume on which you have configured the services and then click the right-arrow button to move it to the Selected Volumes box. You must select the volumes that you configured for each of the following:

    • Indexing service data

    • Shopping service data

    • Vault store partitions

    • PST holding folders

    • EMC Centera staging areas

  12. Click Next to display the Service Group Summary page.

  13. Review your configuration. If you want to modify an attribute name for any reason, follow these steps in the order listed:

    • Click the resource, and then click the attribute that you want to modify.

    • Click the Edit icon at the end of the table row.

    • In the Edit Attribute dialog box, enter the attribute values.

    • Click OK.

    • Repeat the procedure for each resource and attribute.

  14. Click Next to display the Completion page.

  15. Click Bring the service group online, and then click Finish.

When you have finished adding the service group, check that it can fail over between nodes without error.

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