Enterprise Vault monitoring details

The Details tab on the Enterprise Vault Monitoring page presents detailed monitoring data for the selected Enterprise Vault server. The data includes the status of individual Enterprise Vault services and tasks running on the server, and performance counters for vault store status, disk space, memory, and processor use.

To view the details of a different Enterprise Vault server in the current Enterprise Vault site, select the server from the server list at the top of the page. The "Last updated" time next to the server selection box indicates when the Operations Manager Web page was last refreshed.

The Details tab displays the information in a series of tables.

Services table

The Services table displays the status of the following Enterprise Vault services running on the selected server:

Tasks table

The Tasks table displays the status of every Enterprise Vault task visible through the Enterprise Vault Administration Console.

Move Archive Status table

The Move Archive Status table displays the status of move archive operations on the selected server.

For each move archive operation, the table includes the following information:

Performance counters for 'Enterprise Vault::VaultStores' table

The Performance Counters for 'Enterprise Vault::VaultStores' table displays the following data for each monitored vault store counter instance:

Instance Name

The instance name


The status of this instance, based on the status indicator thresholds


The value of this instance when the Monitoring agent last monitored it

Warning Threshold

The configured warning threshold for the counter

Critical Threshold

The configured critical threshold for the counter

Last Updated

The date and time when the Monitoring agent last monitored this data

For Operations Manager to be able to sample and display the vault store performance counters, monitoring needs to be enabled for the site in the Enterprise Vault Administration Console. If site monitoring is not enabled, the table is not shown.

The monitored counters are as follows:

Table: Monitored Vault Store Performance Counters

Counter description

Counter name

Consequence of raised values

Number of incomplete backup, indexing or replication operations

Journal Archive Table Size

Indicates a possible issue with backup or replication policies, or with the indexing process. If you have chosen the vault store option to remove safety copies immediately after archive, you might suffer a greater data loss in the event of a hardware failure.

Number of incomplete delete operations

Journal Delete Table Size

Indicates that there are many items pending index deletion. A backlog could indicate that there is a problem with the Indexing service.

Number of incomplete restore operations

Journal Restore Table Size

Indicates that a large number of items are waiting to be restored, implying possible problems with the StorageRestore process.

Number of days since the last backup of the vault store database

Vault Store DB Backup

If the vault store database is not being periodically backed up, this may result in data loss or, at minimum, extensive operations to restore Enterprise Vault in the event of hardware failures on the SQL server hosting the database.

Space used in the vault store database transaction log (%)

Vault Store DB Log % Used

Indicates how close the SQL server is to increasing the log file's size by the configured increment for this log file.

Number of days since last backup of vault store database transaction log

Vault Store DB Log Backup

If the vault store database log files are not being periodically backed up, this may result in data loss or, at minimum, extensive operations to restore Enterprise Vault in the event of hardware failures on the SQL server hosting the database.

Cumulative size of all the log files in the vault store database

Vault Store DB Log Size

The performance of the SQL server may be adversely affected if there is a shortage of disk space where the transaction log files are being stored.

Number of Saveset files awaiting backup or replication

Watchfile Table Size

Indicates a possible problem in backup or replication application policies.

Performance counters for 'LogicalDisk' table

This table lists the value of each '% Free Space' counter instance. This shows the percentage of usable space that is available on the logical disk drive.

The table also shows the configured warning and critical thresholds for the counter, and the date and time when the Monitoring agent last monitored this data.

Performance counters for 'Memory' table

This table lists the value of each 'Available Mbytes' counter. This shows the amount of physical memory in MB that is available to be allocated to a process, or for system use.

The table also shows the configured warning and critical thresholds for the counter, and the date and time when the Monitoring agent last monitored this data.

Performance counters for 'Processor' table

This table lists the value of each '% Processor Time' counter instance. This shows the percentage of the processor's time spent executing non-idle threads.

The table also shows the configured warning and critical thresholds for the counter, and the date and time when the Monitoring agent last monitored this data.


The displayed values on this tab represent a snapshot taken at the last monitoring time. Use them only as a guide, not as real-time indicators.
