Selecting archives

Use this page to select the archives you want to move, and to select destination archives.


Move Archive does not let you move ineligible archives. You cannot move closed archives, FSA archives, SharePoint archives, shared archives, Exchange public folder archives, or archives that contain items placed on legal hold by Discovery Accelerator.

To add archives

  1. Click Add.

  2. Use the Select Source dialog box to add the archives you want to move.

When you move an archive that is currently in use by an archiving-enabled user, you can only move it to a new archive. In this case, <New archive> is selected automatically in the Destination Archive column next to the archive, and you cannot change it. You can only move active archives within a site.

When you move an inactive archive, you can select an existing archive as the destination, either in the current site or in another site.

To select a destination archive

  1. Select the source archive for which you want to select a destination archive.

  2. Click Move To and click Select Destination.

  3. Use the Select Destination dialog box to select a destination archive.

To move archives to new destination archives

  1. Select one or more archives.

  2. Click Move To and click New Archive.

To remove an archive from the list

You can also display more information about any pair of source and destination archives on this page.

To display the properties of a pair of source and destination archives

  1. Select the row whose properties you want to display.

  2. Click Properties.