Task guardian service

When Move Archive enters a temporary error state while it processes an archive, it waits for a period of time before it retries the archive. You can change the default retry interval using the RetryTimeInMinutes key in the task guardian service configuration file. EvTaskGuardian.exe.config controls the retry interval on each Enterprise Vault server where it is present.

A basic version of this file exists in the Enterprise Vault installation folder, normally C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault. The installation folder also contains another file called Example EvTaskGuardian.exe.config. This file contains an example of the RetryTimeInMinutes key.

Default value:


Minimum value:


Maximum value:


To change the default behavior of the task guardian service

  1. Rename EvTaskGuardian.exe.config in case you need to revert to it later.

  2. Edit the RetryTimeInMinutes setting in Example EvTaskGuardian.exe.config.

  3. Rename the file to EvTaskGuardian.exe.config.

  4. Restart the task guardian service.