Recovery of Enterprise Vault using data-only backups

This recovery procedure assumes that you have backed up only Enterprise Vault data, including the registry, and have not been backing up the actual system disks on your Enterprise Vault servers. If you have also been backing up the system disks on your Enterprise Vault servers then you need to follow some guidelines on how to recover your Enterprise Vault environment.

In order for the disaster recovery procedure to be successful, recent backups of the following must be available:

The following recovery procedures cover environments where Enterprise Vault has been deployed on a single server or on multiple servers. Obviously, where you are running Enterprise Vault on multiple servers you may need to perform a disaster recovery for only one of the servers. In this case, follow only the steps necessary to restore the failing server.

The recovery procedure for an individual server depends on which Enterprise Vault services and tasks were running on that server and what Enterprise Vault data was stored on that server. You need to know this information when you work through the recovery procedure.

If you are unsure which components of Enterprise Vault are running on each server, you can get the information by running the SQL script ServiceLocations.sql, which is installed in the Enterprise Vault program folder (normally C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault).

Before you can run the script you must first restore your Enterprise Vault directory database.

More Information

About Enterprise Vault backups