ASP example

<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
Run this script by placing it in a virtual directory called, for 
example, Test, and then using a URL
Dim AuditIt
Response.Write "Starting "
' Echo a line to the console stating that we are about to add an
' entry to the audit log.
Set AuditIt = Server.CreateObject("AdminService.EVAdminAudit")
' Audit the following values to the audit log.
' Parameter one is the category of the operation.
' Parameter two is the sub category.
' Parameter three is the identifier of the object being audited.
' Parameter four is the status of the operation.
' Parameter five is the field to add any information required.
AuditIt.Audit "Test Category", "Test Sub Category", "ObjectId", 
"SUCCESS", "Info"
Response.Write "Completed"