PST Migration Policy Properties: Message Classes

The list shows the classes of items that are archived or excluded from archiving when the policy is applied. If the check box next to a message class is selected, Enterprise Vault archives items that belong to that message class during an archiving run. If the check box next to a message class is not selected, Enterprise Vault does not archive messages from that class.

Check or uncheck message classes as required.

If you need to edit the list of available message classes, go to the Message Classes tab of Directory properties.

Over time the list may include several message classes that all start with the same text string. For example, the list can include the following entries: "IPM*", "IPM.*" and "IPM.Note". Some of these classes may be selected for archiving, while others are not selected (excluded from archiving). For each excluded message class entry, Enterprise Vault checks whether it is a more specific case of a previously selected message class entry. If the entry is more specific, then it stays on the list of excluded message classes, otherwise it is ignored.

The following examples show different message class lists. Each example shows which message class entries are applied after Enterprise Vault has rationalized the excluded message class entries:

Table: Example 1

Check box status Message class entry Result of rationalization
Not selected IPM* Ignored
Not selected IPM.* Ignored
Selected IPM.Note* Applied

Table: Example 2

Check box status Message class entry Result of rationalization
Selected IPM.Note Applied
Selected IPM.Note.Document Applied
Not selected IPM.Note.Document.Word Applied
Not selected IPM.Fax Ignored

Table: Example 3

Check box status Message class entry Result of rationalization
Not selected * Ignored
Selected IPM.Note* Applied
Not selected IPM.Document Ignored

Table: Example 4

Check box status Message class entry Result of rationalization
Not selected * Ignored
Selected IPM.* Applied
Not selected IPM.Note* Applied
Not selected IPM.Document Applied
Not selected IPM.Fax.Document Applied