New vault store group

This page enables you to specify locations for the 32 non-primary SQL filegroups that Enterprise Vault creates for the fingerprint database. These filegroups hold the fingerprint data. You may enter up to 32 locations. Enterprise Vault includes the location of the primary SQL filegroup by default.


The non-primary filegroups may grow very rapidly in size. For optimal performance, specify as many locations as possible on the SQL Server, up to the maximum of 32. Each location should be on a separate device. If you specify more than one location on the same device there is no performance benefit.

Configure a suitable set of locations now, if possible. To add or change locations after the fingerprint database is configured is a non-trivial SQL Server administration task.

Specify the locations in a format that is local to the SQL server.

You can add new locations in a number of ways.

You can edit the path for a listed location if you want, although Enterprise Vault does not validate an edited path. To edit a path, click the entry in the list of locations.