Computer Properties: Auditing

Table: Auditing Categories


Records details of


Viewing archived items, either as HTML or in their original formats.


Archived items being deleted manually. There is no audit record of items that are deleted because of expiry.


Archived items being restored.


Items being archived, either manually or on a scheduled run.

PST Migration

Items being migrated from PST files.

NSF Migration

Items being migrated from NSF files.


Configuration changes made in the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, such as adding a new service, creating archives, or enabling mailboxes.

Advanced Search

Searches performed using Outlook or the Web Access application, including the terms used and the number of items found.


Document retrieval into SharePoint Portal Server.

Saveset Status

(For support use.) Rarely used. Records whether a saveset file is available.


Your own auditing entries, which you can add by calling a COM object that is served from the Admin Service.

See the following examples:

View Attachments

Viewing of archived items from within SharePoint Portal Server.

FS Archive

File System Archiving activity.

Domino Archive

Any Domino archiving activity.

Domino Restore

Any Domino restore activity.

Exchange Synchronization

Records details of creation, modification, and deletion of Exchange managed content settings. Enterprise Vault records relevant details when it is configured to archive from Exchange managed folders and to synchronize with their managed content settings.

Archive Folder Updates

Archived items being moved to a different mailbox folder.

Retention Category Updates

Changes to the retention category of archived items.

Subtask Control

The creation and modification of subtasks, such as the subtasks that control Move Archive operations.

Move Archive

Details of individual Move Archive operations.

To turn connection information logging on or off

  1. Click Advanced.

  2. If you want to turn on logging, select Log database information. To turn off logging, clear Log database information.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Restart all the Enterprise Vault services on that computer.

    Now, when an Enterprise Vault service that has auditing switched on shuts down, it logs an event that shows the number of connections it used and the maximum number of connections available to it. You can use this information to decide whether to change the connection pool sizes.

To change the connection pool sizes

  1. Click Advanced.

  2. Set the number of auditing connections for each Enterprise Vault service that is on the computer.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Restart all the Enterprise Vault services on that computer.