 Change View 

After you install the Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT), you can open the ADMT console to access and run the various migration wizards and to create and view migration reports.

Membership in Administrators, or equivalent, is the minimum required to complete this procedure. Review details about using the appropriate accounts and group memberships at Local and Domain Default Groups (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=83477).

To open the ADMT console
  1. On the local computer, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Migration Tool.

  2. In the console tree, select Active Directory Migration Tool.

  3. On the Action menu, select one of the following commands:

    • To migrate user accounts, click User Account Migration Wizard.

    • To migrate group accounts, click Group Account Migration Wizard.

    • To migrate computers, click Computer Migration Wizard.

    • To translate local user profiles or to migrate other security settings, click Security Translation Wizard.

    • To generate migration reports, click Reporting Wizard.

    • To migrate service accounts, click Service Account Migration Wizard.

    • To migrate managed service accounts, click Managed Service Account Migration Wizard.

    • To retry migration tasks that failed previously, click Retry Task Wizard.

    • To migrate passwords, click Password Migration Wizard.

    • To join or remove yourself from the Customer Experience Improvement Program, click Customer Feedback Options.

    Follow the instructions in the corresponding wizard.