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Stores and retrieves information that the Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) logs when it migrates an Active Directory database.

admt task is a command-line tool that is available in ADMT.

For examples of how this command can be used, see Examples.


admt task [options]


Parameter Description


Returns the last tasks that ADMT performed. If you do not specify the number of tasks to return, this parameter returns only the last task that ADMT performed. If you specify a number of tasks to return, this parameter returns the number of tasks that you specify, beginning with the last task that ADMT performed. You cannot combine this parameter with the /taskid parameter.

[/taskid: {<Id>|<BeginId>,<EndId>}]

Returns tasks by their identifiers or by a range of identifiers that you specify. To perform the following tasks, use a wildcard character (*) in the command:

  • To specify all identifiers:

    admt task /taskid:* 
  • To specify only the first identifier:

    admt task /taskid:*,EndId
  • To specify only the last identifier:

    admt task /taskid:BeginId,* 

You cannot combine this parameter with the /last parameter.

[/date: {<Date>|<BeginDate>,<EndDate>}]

Returns tasks that began on the dates that you specify. When you specify a single date, ADMT returns tasks that it performed on that date. When you specify a range of dates, ADMT returns tasks that it performed between the dates that you specify. Use a wildcard character (*) in the command to specify the following dates:

  • All dates:

    admt task /date

  • The very first date:

    admt task /date:*,<EndDate>

  • The very last date:

    admt task /date:<BeginDate>,*

[/status: {<all>|[success][+warnings][+errors]}]

Returns tasks that completed with the status that you specify. By default, ADMT returns all tasks.

You can specify the following values for this parameter:

  • success

    Specifies to return tasks that completed successfully.

  • +warnings

    Specifies to return tasks that completed with warnings, but no errors.

  • +errors

    Specifies to return tasks that completed with errors.

[/type: {user|group|computer|password|security|service|reporting|retry}]

Returns tasks by the type of task that ADMT performed.

[/taskuser: <UserName>]

Returns tasks that ADMT performed by a user that you specify. You can specify UserName as domain\name or as the user name only. Use a wildcard character (*) to specify a partial user name.

[/taskcomputer: <ComputerName>]

Returns tasks that ADMT performed on a computer that you specify. For ComputerName, you must specify the NetBIOS name of the computer. Use a wildcard character (*) to specify a partial computer name.

[/getlog: {yes|no}]

Specifies whether to retrieve the migration logs that are associated with the tasks that you specify, and then place them in the current directory. By default, ADMT obtains the task information from the ADMT database and displays it on the console. If you specify the admt task /getlog:yes parameter, ADMT retrieves the logs from the ADMT database and stores them in the current directory.

[/folder: <FolderPath>]

Specifies the folder in which ADMT places the retrieved logs. You use this parameter with the admt task /getlog:yes parameter. If you do not specify a directory path, ADMT places the logs in the current directory.

[/agentdetails: {none|all|[success[<warnings][errors]>}]

Specifies whether ADMT includes agent detail logs with the retrieved migration logs. ADMT appends agent detail logs to the migration logs.

You can specify the following values for this parameter:

  • all

    Appends all agent detail logs.

  • warnings

    Appends only the agent detail logs that contain warnings.

  • errors

    Appends only the agent detail logs that contain errors.


In addition to the admt task command-line tool, you can use the admt config command-line tool to verify or reconfigure the logging level to enable verbose logging of all attributes for users, computers, and groups that ADMT migrates. For more information, see admt config.


The following example returns the last 10 migration logs so you can view them from the command prompt.

admt task /last:10

The following example returns the migration logs for tasks performed by John Smith between the dates that you specify.

admt task /date:1/1/04,1/31/04 /taskuser:"John Smith" 

The following example retrieves the migration logs for all user migrations that ADMT performed on the computer that you specify and stores them in the location that you specify. This example also appends agent detail information to the retrieved logs.

admt task /type:user /taskcomputer:westdc1 /getlog:yes /folder:c:\Migration Logs /agentdetails:all 

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