 Change View 

The Domain Selection page of the Service Account Migration Wizard specifies the source domain and its domain controller and the target domain and its domain controller that you want to use to migrate service accounts.

The Domain Selection page has the following options:


  • Domain

    Select this option to specify the name of the source domain. When you migrate accounts, the source domain indicates the domain from which the account information is migrated. Specify an Active Directory domain that is at least at a Windows Server 2003 domain functional level. You can type the domain name or select it from the list.

  • Domain controller

    Select this option to specify the name of the source domain controller. If you configured a preferred source domain controller, you can type its name or select it from the list. If you did not configure a domain controller, ADMT uses domain controller Locator (DC Locator) to locate a domain controller in the domain that you specify. For more information about how to configure a preferred domain controller, see the ADMT Migration Guide (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=93678).


  • Domain

    Select this option to specify the name of the target domain. When you migrate accounts, the target domain indicates the domain to which the account information is migrated. Specify an Active Directory domain that is at least at a Windows Server 2003 domain functional level. You can type the domain name or select it from the list.

  • Domain controller

    Select this option to specify the name of the target domain controller. If you configured a preferred source domain controller, you can type its name or select it from the list. If you did not configure one, ADMT uses the domain controller Locator to locate a domain controller in the domain that you specify. For more information about how to configure a preferred domain controller, see the ADMT Migration Guide (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=93678).