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Web service event listener

Asset Lifecycle Manager's Web service is used to initiate workflow processes. The Web service event listener waits to be prompted by a designated Web service. When the Web service receives values or parameters from another application, the event listener is notified of the event and initiates a workflow process based on the data it received.

Setting up Web service event listeners

To set up your Web service event listener, you first need to select which workflow to initiate. Then you specify which .XML file from the client application to use, which contains the required columns and corresponding values. You can then select a specific column from the .XML file. The Web service event listener pulls the value from the column, which serves as the external system identifier. You can also have the system automatically generate the external system identifier. The external system identifier pinpoints the application that initiated the workflow and serves as a reference number to the client application. It is used within all Asset Lifecycle Manager applications.

Once the Web service event listener is set up, you need to configure the Web service itself to send records to Asset Lifecycle Manager. Sending the records to the following location initiates the workflow process:

To set up a Web service event listener
  1. Click the Process tab, and click the Event listeners panel.
  2. Right-click the Event listeners folder, click New folder, and enter a name for the folder.
  3. Right-click the new folder and select New web service listener.
  4. Enter a name for the listener.
  5. Double-click the listener you created.
  6. Click the Details tab and select the workflow you want to be initiated when the conditions of the event listener are met.
  7. Click the Settings tab, then click Open, select the appropriate .XML file, and click Open.
  8. Check to see that the values inserted match the expected XML string.
  9. Click the Mappings tab, then click the Autogenerate external unique system identifier checkbox or use the drop-down list to select the external system identifier.
  10. Click Autogenerate field mappings, then click Yes to save the changes to the event listener. If you want to define your own field mappings, skip this step and use the field mapping tool. See Process fields.
  11. Click OK, then click Close.
To start (or stop) a Web service event listener
  1. Double-click the listener you want to start or stop.
  2. Click the Details tab.
  3. Click Start listener (or Stop listener).