 Change View 


Use the Schedules panel to create schedules with which to start workflows or run reports.

You select the workflow to start directly through the Schedules panel. You schedule reports by creating a workflow that runs a given report, and then through the workflow interface set a schedule executing the workflow. Reports can be run automatically or periodically, and can be scheduled to run as such.

A schedule cannot be configured to run more than once per day. Even if the schedule has been modified, it will run only once a day.

NOTE: If a schedule is set to run at a certain time or for X number of occurrences, and the system goes down, ALM will pick up the schedule from the time the system is brought back up without making up the missed occurrences.

To create a schedule
  1. In the navigation pane, click the Process tab and open the Schedules panel.
  2. Create a folder for the new schedule or use an existing folder.
  3. Right-click the folder you want to contain the view and click New schedule.
  4. Give the new schedule a name and double-click it.
  5. Select a start time for schedule from the drop-down list.
  6. (optional) Type a description of the schedule.
  7. In the Recurrence pattern box, select how often the schedule repeats (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly). Select the options that are associated with the frequency of the schedule. If you pick Month and the date doesn't exist in all months (for example, 31) , the task will only run in months that have that date.
  8. In the Range of recurrence box, select a start date, then select an end option. You can select No end date (the schedule will recur indefinitely), End after a specified number of occurrences, or End by a specified date.
  9. Select a workflow to start when the schedule conditions are met. Click the ellipsis [...] button, select the workflow you want from the tree view and click Insert.
  10. Click Save .

NOTE: When you configure a schedule to run every 15 days, the schedule resets every month, so it will run on the 1st and the 16th of each new month. Likewise, when you configure a schedule to run every four months, the schedule resets every year; so it will run in January, then May, then September of each new year.