 Change View 

Report views

A report view is an aggregated representation of the data in the database. It is the building block for a report. Use report views to create reports for Web console users. You can associate each view with a user, group, or role and give that user, group, or role read-only or read-write access to the view. Doing this allows you to limit the data users can see to the data they are responsible for. You may want to create views that are based on geography or department, for example.

When you create a new view, you're prompted to select an item to base the view on. Items include:

Only attributes from the item you select are available for you to use as filters. Some attributes are relationships to other items in the database. For the relationship attributes, expand the related item to see the attributes associated with the item. Once the attribute list displays for the item, you need to create the filters you want. Filters limit the view to the attributes you want.

Creating a view requires five main steps:

  1. In the navigation pane's Report tab, create a new view instance.
  2. On the Filter tab, specify that item's attributes that you want to filter for.
  3. On the Columns tab, specify the columns that you want users to be able to see.
  4. On the Preview tab, make sure your view looks the way you want it.
  5. Click the view's Properties toolbar button to display the Properties dialog and configure the view's security settings.
Step 1: To create a new view instance
  1. In the navigation pane, click the Report tab.
  2. Create a folder for the new view or use an existing folder.
  3. Right-click the folder you want to contain the view and click New view.
  4. Give the new view a name and double-click it.
  5. In the dialog that appears, select the item to base the view on and click Insert. The attributes for that item appear in the filter list.
Step 2: To specify the attributes you want to filter for
  1. Make sure the view you want to edit is open.
  2. On the Filters tab, select an attribute to filter by. You cannot filter on values from a multi-contact control or table control (no results will be returned).
  3. Select a Scope and relational operator.
  4. Select a value from the current values list. You can also edit a value.
  5. Click Insert to add the statement to the query list.
  6. If you want to query for more than one component, click a logical operator (AND, OR) and repeat steps 2-5.
  7. (Optional) To group query statements so they're evaluated as a group, select two or more query statements and click Group(). For more information on building queries, see Creating report view filter queries.
Step 3: To specify the data columns users can see
  1. Make sure the view you want to edit is open.
  2. On the Columns tab, select the data column you want users to see, and click the Add button.
  3. Repeat step 2 for each data column you want to add.
  4. Reorder the columns with the move up and move down buttons.
Step 4: To preview the report view
  1. Make sure the view you want to edit is open.
  2. On the Preview tab, make sure the report view looks the way you want it to. Use the Filter and Columns tabs to make changes if necessary.
Step 5: To configure view security settings
  1. Make sure the view you want to edit is open.
  2. On the toolbar, click the Properties button .
  3. On the Security tab, click Add to add users, groups, and roles that you want to have access to this view in the Web console.
  4. Select each user or group that you added and check or clear the Read or Modify permissions as necessary.
  5. Click OK.