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Handheld devices

This section provides helpful information about using PDAs and handhelds in conjunction with Asset Lifecycle Manager. Being able to perform tasks from a handheld or PDA increases the productivity of process participants, extends their capabilities, and enhances flexibility. For example, an IT administrator could reboot a server while attending a meeting at a remote site.

Asset Lifecycle Manager currently supports Pocket PC and Blackberry devices. You use the same credentials to authenticate as you do when logging in to the Web console.

The PDA web console URL is http://<servername>//ServiceManagement/pda.aspx.

How handhelds and PDAs are used

There are a few actions that require manual input from process participants. These actions generate e-mails that are delivered to the appropriate individuals. The e-mails contain the functionality required to complete the tasks. The e-mails can be accessed from your handheld or PDA device, so you can complete the tasks assigned to you.

Actions supporting handhelds and PDAs

Only a few actions support the use of a handheld or PDA. PDAs and handhelds can be used when performing the following actions:

NOTE: With Blackberry handhelds, if you receive a 500 error when you click on the URL to perform the approval, make sure you are using the Blackberry browser.