Use the workflow canvas to lay out your processes and assemble
the pieces in the proper order. The workflow canvas appears when
you edit a workflow (Process tab's Workflows
Once you have launched the process canvas, design your processes
by dragging and dropping actions onto the canvas from the
Actions toolbox. By default, every process begins with a
primary action, represented by a lightning bolt.
After adding actions, use the Check workflow for errors
button on the toolbar to see
what attributes need to be defined to enable the workflow to
proceed. It reports any missing attributes in the window directly
below the canvas. To define an action's attributes, click and
select its icon and then provide the applicable information in the
Attributes window. You can also double-click errors in the status
pane after clicking the Check workflows for errors button
Drawing an arrow from one action to another establishes the
directional flow of the process. To draw the arrow, place your
cursor over the first action. When the cursor changes to a hand
pointer, click and drag the line to the next action and then
release the mouse button.
A green frame outlines an action once it has been
selected. You may need to click an action's icon more than once to
select it.
To remove an action (or an arrow you have drawn
between actions), select it and then press Delete.
To move an action to a different position on the
canvas, click the action to select it. Then place the mouse pointer
just outside the green frame that highlights the icon and drag it
to a new position on the canvas.
To nest a workflow inside another, simply drag the
"child" workflow to the canvas of the "parent", as you would do
with any other action. Then click on the action or result you want
to launch the child workflow, and draw a directional arrow to the
child workflow.
As you continue to add new elements to the workflow,
you may find it helpful to click the Layout diagram button
on the toolbar to redraw or
realign the actions in a symmetrical and balanced layout.
If the workflow canvas begins to fill up or extend
beyond the viewable window, click the Fit diagram to screen
button on the toolbar to see the entire workflow.
Click the Zoom in or Zoom out buttons
to adjust the view to the area you are working on.
Before attempting to run a workflow, make sure all
attributes are defined and no errors appear in the Missing or
incorrect information window.
Click the Save button on the toolbar to save your workflow
occasionally. You must save a workflow layout in order to run or
test it.