There are two types of auditing for assets and forms:
Changes in the Design console: Changes made in
the Design console are always audited and this can't be
Changes in the Web console: By default, form
instance changes made in the Web console aren't audited. You can
enable auditing for asset and form controls that you specify. When
a Web console user makes a change to the data in an audited
control, that change is audited.
To enable auditing for the form fields you specify
In the navigation pane's Forms tab, open the
form you want to see the audit history for.
In the toolbar, click the Properties button
On the Audit history tab, move the controls
you want to audit from the Available controls tab to the
Audited controls tab.
Click OK.
To view the form instance audit history once you've enabled
In the Web console, open the form instance you
Click the History tab.
To view the form definition audit history
In the navigation pane's Forms tab, open the
form you want to see the audit history for.