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Pending synchronization inserts and updates

When you run a synchronization package, the rules specified in that package determine what happens to new records and updates to fields in existing records. This lets you protect existing data and control which records are added to the destination asset.

New records can either be inserted directly into the destination asset, or can be sent to the Pending inserts queue for manual review before insertion.

Updates to existing data in specified columns can either be added directly to the destination asset, overwriting the existing value, or can be sent to the Pending updates queue for manual review before acceptance into the destination asset.

NOTE: In most cases, Pending inserts and Pending updates should only be enabled in the context of smaller synchronization jobs where you may not want certain records to be changed from an external data source. Its purpose is to facilitate careful examination of asset records that you anticipate in advance may require a line-by-line verification to decide whether the record should be inserted, ignored, or deleted.

See Task 4: Rules panel settings in Synchronization wizard for information on how to use rules when creating a synchronization package.

Pending inserts

If you don't check the Automatically add new items from the source to the asset system checkbox in a synchronization package, all new records created by running that package are sent to the Pending inserts queue instead of being added directly to the destination asset or resource. Records in the queue are only added to the destination if you choose to insert them. Pending inserts remain in the queue until you choose to insert, ignore, or delete them.

To insert or ignore pending inserts
  1. Click Pending inserts from the Synchronization pane
  2. Select the synchronization package for the pending insertions you want to review.
  3. Click View.

As in this example, a list of the pending inserts appears.

  1. Use the checkboxes to mark the records you want to insert or ignore.
  2. Click Insert to insert the new records into the destination, or Ignore to reject them.
To delete pending inserts
  1. Click Pending inserts from the Synchronization pane.
  2. Select the synchronization package containing the pending insertions you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.


Pending updates

If you check one or more items in the Protected destination columns list in a synchronization package, current data in that column of the destination asset is protected against being overwritten when you run the package. Instead, any updates to values in the protected columns are sent to the Pending updates queue where you can review them. Pending updates will remain in the queue until you choose to either accept or ignore them.

To accept or ignore pending updates
  1. Click Pending updates from the Synchronization pane.
  2. Select the synchronization package for the pending updates you want to review.
  3. Click View.

As in this example, you'll see a list of the records for which there are pending updates.

  1. Select the record you want to view.
  2. Click View.

As in this example, you'll see the column name for each item of unresolved data, the original value, and the new value that was returned when the synchronization package was run.

  1. Use the checkboxes to mark the updates you want to accept or ignore.
  2. Click Accept to insert the new values into the destination, or Ignore to reject them.