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LANDesk Asset Lifecycle Manager 4.02
Release notes

The following are known issues with LANDesk® Asset Lifecycle Manager.

Run Windows Update on your server before installing or upgrading
Before installing or upgrading LANDesk Asset Lifecycle Manager, LANDesk Software recommends that you install all of the Microsoft recommended Windows updates on your server operating system.

Notes for Asset Lifecycle Manager, version 4.02

Downloading the latest documentation from the Web
In order to get the most current documentation, you will need to download it from the Web. The instructions for doing this are in the README.TXT file.

Asset Lifecycle Manager disconnected from Avocent Management Platform
With ALM 4.02, LANDesk Asset Lifecycle Manager has been disconnected from the Avocent Management Platform. Licensing for the ALM product used the Avocent Management Platform (AMP) in the past. Licensing will now be done through the ALM product.

Uninstalling Avocent Management Platform
If you are not using any other Avocent products on your ALM server that require AMP, then you may want to uninstall AMP from your server using Add/remove programs. To remove AMP, select Start | All Programs | Settings | Control Panel | Programs and Features | select to uninstall “Avocent Management Platform.”.

IE 6: Opening attachments from the Web console
You cannot open attachments directly from the Web console using IE 6. If you click the Open button, IE 6 presents you with the option to either save or open the file. If you select Open, you get an error. This is a known issue (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308090). To open attachments, click Save, then open the file.

IE 7: Warning dialog from a Request Information action won't close, prevents user from clicking anywhere
If you create a workflow with a Request Information action, run it, and go to the Web console (Home tab > Task button) to see the request display, clicking on the Cannot Complete button will return a warning dialog. The Close button on the dialog will not work.

Workarounds are the following: On Windows Server 2008, if Enhanced Security is turned on for IE in Server Manager, the links that execute JavaScript appear to be disabled on any site that isn't entered in the Trusted Sites list in IE. The pop-up that appears is "about:blank," and if you add "about:blank" to the Trusted Sites, the dialog can be closed.

You can also turn off IE ESC in Server Manager.

Remote console on Windows Server 2008: Console users must be given full access to the program directory
If you install the ALM console on a Windows Server 2008 computer, you must add domain users who will access the console interface to the Security tab on the Service Management directory, and assign them all of the rights (Full Control), or they won't be able to log into the console. (Go to C:\Program Files\LANDesk, right-click the Service Management directory, click Properties | Security.)

Remote console: The error message "The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized" displays on a remote console
If this error message displays when trying to log into a remote console, it means your ALM product license has expired. A more explicit error message stating that the product license has expired will display on the server, but this generic HTTP error displays on a remote console, indicating you need to renew your license.

Remote console: To connect to an ALM server on Windows Server 2003 with the firewall enabled, port 80 must be opened
In order for a remote console to connect to your ALM server running on Windows Server 2003 that has the Windows Firewall enabled, TCP Port 80 must be added to the Exceptions list in order to open the port and allow remote access.

Windows console: The console launches slowly due to network traffic
If the Windows console (ALM Designer console) takes a minute or longer to launch due to network traffic generated by requests to the database server, you should install the console on the same network as the database server and then use Remote Desktop to run the console.

Web console: To avoid certain display problems when Internet Explorer version 8 is used to run the ALM Web console
If you experience display problems when running the ALM Web console in IE 8, you need to disable the browser's default Compatibility View settings. To do this, click Tools | Compatibility View Settings, and then clear the checkbox for “Display intranet sites in Compatibility View” and clear the checkbox for “Display all web sites in Compatibility View”.

Web console: Do not use more than one instance of the ALM Web console in the same browser window
If you have two instances of the ALM Web console open in the same web browser (for example, when multiple tabs are open in the same browser), changes that are made in one instance of the console will not be reflected in the other instance. When switching between instances and making changes in each instance, you should open the web console in separate browser windows instead of using multiple tabs in a single browser.

Naming syntax rules: Special characters are not allowed as the first character in names, descriptions, or other entered text strings
Assets, state transition map states, reports, forms, and so forth cannot begin with a special character (&, !, *, %, ^, #, @ , etc).

Workflow: Deleting a workflow that is linked from a form
If a form is linked to a workflow, you won't be able to delete that workflow if it's visible in the form's Properties dialog's Events tab, even if the "Start a workflow..." options are unchecked. Select a different workflow for the form, and then you're able to delete the original workflow.

Workflow: A workflow has a task with a timed deadline whose duration intersects with Daylight Savings Time
In this scenario, the timer expiration time will NOT reflect the one hour time change due to Daylight Savings Time. In other words, it ignores the clock moving ahead one hour and shows the original time.

Manager fields for a Get Approval action: You must select both manager fields – "Manager" and "Manager0" – in order for a Get Approval action to send the e-mail
If you use a workflow with a Get Approval action that retrieves the name of a manager from a Department form, you MUST select both of the manager fields that appear in the list: "Manager" and "Manager0". Otherwise, the action cannot resolve the name of the manager and the approval request e-mail will not get sent.

SQL Server 2005 Express database: If your ALM server uses an SQL Express database and has the firewall enabled, make sure you add the SQL service executable to the Exceptions list
SQL Express database doesn't add itself to the Exceptions list automatically during installation. If you don't do this, additional/remote consoles won't be able to connect to the server. The service executable is called sqlservr.exe. To find the path to the executable, check the properties for the "SQL Server" service in Control Panel's Services applet. The default path is: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe". (You also may have to open TCP port 1433 and UDP port 1434. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/287932 for more information.)

SQL Server 2005 Express database: Don't use the SQL Express database install option on a machine with an SQL Server database already installed
If you attempt to use the SQL Express database option when installing ALM on a machine that already has an SQL database installed, an error occurs and the ALM install fails.

Software synchronization workflows
The Asset Content pack includes a set of eight synchronization packs that are provided to make it easy for customers with LANDesk Management Suite (LDMS) 9 to easily synchronize asset data from their LDMS database. Note however, that these workflows and their related scripts were written for use with a SQL database. If you are using Oracle as your LDMS database, the scripts will need to be modified to be compatible with Oracle.

Upgrading from previous versions

Upgrade: Issues regarding previous upgrades where Avocent Management Platform is installed
For upgrade installs where AMP is already installed, AMP will not be uninstalled, but the Avocent Management Platform ESB service will be disabled. If you have another product installed on your ALM server that uses AMP (such as Avocent MergePoint Infrastructure Explorer), you may want to enable the AMP service.

Upgrade: Issues when upgrading from ALM version 3.0 to version 3.5

If you already have ALM version 3.0 installed and want to upgrade to version 3.5, you should be aware of the following issues:

Enabling VMware synchronization when upgrading from ALM 3.0/3.5 to 4.0

The following are the steps required to enable VMware Synchronization when upgrading an ALM install from 3.0 or 3.5 to 4.0:

These steps apply only to an upgrade. ALM 4.0 shipping content works out of the box and does not need to be configured.

VMware Synchronization functionality depends on two pieces of content being properly configured: The ‘Computer’ asset being defined as a single object, and a static list attribute on the computer asset which defines the type of computer asset, e.g., ‘Desktop’, ‘Laptop’, ‘Server’, ‘Virtual machine’. Out of the box, content prior to 4.0 does not contain these two requirements. 3.0 content contains separate objects for each of the computer types; 3.5 content does not contain an attribute that can be used to enumerate the computer type.

For 3.0 content, a single object must be designated as the computer asset. This may be done by defining a new object, or one of the out-of-the-box objects may be re-purposed for this usage. In either case, we need to determine the BNF of the computer object. Information about how BNF works can be found in the LDMS database metadata technical notes. For our purposes, we can determine the BNF by finding the metaobjrelations_idn of the computer object.

Execute the following sql statement on the alm database:

select formID, Name, Type, Folder_Idn, MetaObjRelations_Idn from FormDefinition order by Name

The results gives the metaobjrelations_idn we need:

8 2 Catalog services 5 14 42
9 63 CD and DVD drive 5 166 116
10 69 Company 5 20 144
11 26 Computer 4 61 50
12 3 Contract 5 15 35
13 4 Contract line item 5 15 29
14 5 Contract line item type 5 15 44

For our installation, the metaobjrelations_id of the computer object is 50. Referring to the metadata tables, the BNF can be determined as ‘Assets.Computer’. If your installation contains multiple objects with the same name, the type and folder_idn must be taken into consideration to determine which of the objects is the correct one.

As part of the definition of the computer asset, a static list needs to be added which will enumerate the different types of computer. In the 4.0 out of the box content, this static list contains ‘Desktop’, ‘Laptop’, ‘Server’, and ‘Virtual machine’. Once you have created or designated a computer object, ensure it has a static list attribute defining the types of computer appropriate for your deployment.

Next, we need to find the static list id. Execute the following sql statement on the alm database:

select * from am_staticlists order by datalist_idn


68 61 Semi-annual 2
69 61 Yearly 3
70 64 Desktop 0
71 64 Laptop 1
72 64 Server 2
73 64 Virtual machine 3
74 68 Chinese (simplified) 1

Looking through the results, we see that our computer types (‘Desktop’, ‘Laptop’, ‘Server’, ‘Virtual machine’) are associated with datalist_idn 64.

Armed with these two pieces of information, we are now ready to configure VMware Synchronization for use. This is done by adding two records to the SystemProperty table.

insert SystemProperty (Keyword, Value) values ('Computer.BNF', 'Assets.Computer')

insert SystemProperty (Keyword, Value) values ('Computer.Type.StaticList.Id', 64)

Replace the second value in each statement as appropriate for your results as determined in the above steps.

You should now be able to define a VMware Synchronization package to import VMware assets.

Notes for LANDesk Process Manager, version 4.1

The following section covers notes from earlier releases that still apply.

Manually creating a System DSN

When using the LANDesk Process Manager's database utility to configure connections to LDMS core servers, if you receive an error message indicating that the LANDesk Integration DSN could not be created, you will need to manually create a System DSN (Data Source Name). The following steps describe how to create a System DSN on Windows 2003 Server.

IMPORTANT: Create a System DSN on a core server ONLY; not on a remote console. Otherwise, database listeners will not be able to see the System DSN.

Also, in order to prevent any possible conflicts for database listeners, make sure the database connection information is the same for both the System DSN on the core server and for the remote console.

To create a System DSN
  1. Click Start | Programs | Administrative Tools.
  2. Double-click Data Sources (ODBC).
  3. Click the System DSN tab.
  4. Click Add, then select the database driver corresponding to the database type you are connecting to.
  5. Click Finish.
  6. Type the data source name and make a note of it for future reference.
  7. (Optional) Type a description.
  8. Specify the SQL server to connect to, and click Next.
  9. Select SQL Server authentication.
  10. Provide the Login ID/password for the SQL database you specified for the LPM database, and click Next.
  11. Click the checkbox for Change the default database to and then select the LDMS database in the drop-down list.
  12. Click Next, then click Finish. The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog box appears, showing the settings that will be used.
  13. Click Test Data Source. If it is able to connect, a confirmation message is displayed. Click OK.
  14. Click OK again to close the SQL Server Setup dialog box. The new data source should appear in the displayed list.
  15. Click OK to close the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box.
  16. In Process Designer, click Configure | Event Listeners, select the event listener from the list, and click Edit.
  17. Change the name of the ODBC data source to the new DSN you just created.
  18. Click OK, then click Close to close the Event listeners dialog box.

The LANDesk core server connections should now be enabled.

Patch Automation Integration with LDMS 8.8

LANDesk Management Suite 8.8 includes a streamlined version of LANDesk Process Manager with a pre-defined patch automation workflow that can be configured and enabled from the Download Updates dialog box in LANDesk Security and Patch Manager. The patch automation workflow includes all of the actions and most of the settings necessary to enable patch automation, and the required database listener is automatically generated. A tutorial that explains how to configure the patch automation workflow is available from the Download Updates dialog box.

Please note that if you use Oracle as your LDMS core database, you will need to manually edit the Update query in order for the event listener to work.

To edit the query
  1. In Process Designer, click Configure | Event listeners.
  2. Select the LANDesk vulnerabilities downloaded event listener.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. In the Update query text box, look for PatchAuditTrail_ldn={PatchAuditTrail_ldn};
  5. Edit the query so that the PatchAuditTrail string uses all uppercase characters.
  6. Click Test to confirm that the database connection is successful.
  7. Click OK to dismiss the confirmation message.
  8. Click OK to close the Event listener dialog box and save the changes.
  9. Click Close to close the Event Listeners list.
  10. Close Process Designer.

This is not necessary if you use SQL as your LDMS core database, as SQL is not case sensitive.

Creating Exchange mailboxes

To enable the creation of an Exchange mailbox when using the Create/Delete user action in the Active Directory action group in Process Designer, you need to provide the appropriate values in the msExchHomeServerName attribute and homeMDB attribute fields. The following instructions describe how this can be done.

First, determine the two Microsoft Exchange LDAP paths (msExchHomeServerName & homeMDB). You can have Exchange provide this using a tool included with your Windows and Exchange servers. On the Exchange server, run:

CSVDE -f exchattribs.csv

This copies all the data from your Active Directory and writes it to a CSV file named exchattribs.csv, which you can then open and view with Excel. Now look for the columns named “msExchHomeServerName” and “homeMDB” and locate a user record that is similar to what you will be creating with the script. In the resulting cells, you will be able to get the values for these variables.

To create the user under the Users folder in Active Directory, you need to change the LDAP path, using Process Manager's Database Utility. After starting the Database Utility and logging in, click the Configure and restart services button. Click the Users and Groups tab, select the domain, and click Edit. The LDAP path should be something like: "LDAP://CN=Users, DC=workflow, DC=local" and the user name should be something like: "loginname@domain.com".

Finally, click the Advanced button to insert the attributes for the msExchHomeServerName attribute and homeMDB attribute fields.

Windows Security warning when opening Designer's guide Help

When opening the Designer.chm file (Designer's guide Online Help), some customers have reported seeing a Windows Security warning. If this happens, clear the checkbox for "Always ask before opening this file". This will stop this message from appearing in the future and allow the Help to function normally.

Empty ALM Web Console Help window

When Asset Lifecycle Manager 4 is installed as an option during the installation of LANDesk Management Suite (by selecting the "Install Automated Patch Process" option during the LDMS Setup procedure), the ALM Web Console Help window may open as an empty window. This can be resolved by completing the following steps using the Internet Information Services (IIS) Utility:

  1. Click Start > Control Panel >Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services.
  2. Click <server name> > Web Sites > Default Web Site > Service Management.
  3. Right-click the Help folder and click Properties.
  4. Click the HTTP Headers tab and then the MIME Types button.
  5. Click New and add the following two mime types:



  6. Click OK to exit the IIS dialogs.
  7. Restart IIS.