Create Check: Specify Name and Target

The Specify Name and Target panel lets you specify a name, description, and select a target type for the new check.

The Specify Name and Target panel contains the following options:


Lets you specify a name for the new check. This option is mandatory. You must provide a name for the new check.


Lets you describe the check. This option is not mandatory. You can leave the Description text box blank if you do not want to provide a description for the new check.

Target Type

Lets you select the type of asset to which you want to limit the scope of the new check. This option is mandatory.

The options on the Target Type drop-down list are grouped on the basis of the platform to which the targets belong.

You can also create a new target type.

See About the target type schema.

See Creating a new target type.

See Editing a target type.

Quick Check Builder

Lets you create a check without any precondition.

Advanced Check Builder

Lets you create a check with a precondition.