Creating an ESM error expression for a new ESM check

You must add an error expression to the ESM check that you want to create. An error expression checks if an ESM agent reports any error message.

To create an ESM error expression

  1. In the Standards pane, right-click the section to which you want to add the new check and click Create Check.

  2. In the Specify Name and Target panel of the Check Builder, provide the necessary information and then click one of the following options:

    • Quick Check Builder

    • Advanced Check Builder

  3. Click Next.

  4. In the Create Expressions panel, enter the following information to create an error expression:

    • In the Category drop-down list, select Message.

    • In the Field drop-down list, select Is Error Message.

    • In the Operator drop-down list, select the "=" operator.

    • In the Value text box, select False.

      An expression that contains "Is Error Message = False" lets you mark a check for manual review if an ESM module generates error messages.

  5. Click the plus sign (+) to add the recently created field expression to the Expression(s) list.

    The new expression is added to the Formula box by default. If a check includes only a single expression then the check formula is the same as the expression.

    You can create as many expressions as you want.

  6. Select the expression from the Expression(s) list box and click Advanced Settings. Alternatively, double-click the expression in the Expression(s) list.

    For every expression that you create on a Message entity, you must add data filters for module name and policy name.

    See Adding the policy name and the module name data filters for a new CCS ESM check.

More Information

Creating an ESM check