 Change View 

Creating a new check

You must use the Create Check wizard to create a new check.

The Create Check wizard provides you the following options to create a new check:

Quick Check Builder

This option lets you create a check that does not include a pre-condition.

Advanced Check Builder

This option lets you create a check that includes a pre-condition.

To create a new check

  1. Go to Manage > Standards.

  2. In the table pane of the Standards view, navigate to the section to which you want to add the new check. Right-click the section and select Create Check.

  3. In the Specify Name and Target panel of the Create Check wizard, enter the following information:

    • In the Name text box, type the name of the new check.

    • In the Description text box, type a description for the new check. This information is optional.

    • In the Target Type text box, select the type of asset to which the new check is applicable.

      You can also create custom target types to evaluate specific standards against a targeted set of assets.

    • Select either the Quick Check Builder option or the Advanced Check Builder option.

      The Quick Check Builder option lets you create a check without a precondition.

      The Advanced Check Builder option lets you add a precondition to the new check.

  4. Click Next

To proceed with check creation using the Quick Check Builder option

  1. In the Create Expression(s) panel, enter the following information to create an evaluation condition.

    • In the Category list box, select the category of the field.

    • In the Field list box, select the name of the field.

    • In the Operator list box, select the operator.

    • In the Value text box, specify a value for the field.

      To specify values for a LIST field, you must enclose all the values in a curly bracket and use a comma to separate each value. For example, {sam, ram, mac}.

  2. Click the plus (+) sign to add the recently created field expression to the Expression(s) list.

    The new expression is added to the Formula box by default. If a check includes only a single expression, then the check formula is the same as the expression.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to create any number of expressions.

  4. In the Formula text box, you can use the check formula operators to connect the various expressions.

    By default, the new expressions are connected using the AND operator.

  5. Click the Validate Formula icon to validate the check formula that you have created. Click Next.

  6. In the Check Summary panel, you can view the information that you have entered. Click Back to make any changes and click Finish to exit the wizard.

To proceed with check creation using the Advanced Check Builder option

  1. In the Create a Precondition panel, enter the following information to create an evaluation condition.

    • In the Category list box, select the category of the field.

    • In the Field list box, select the name of the field.

    • In the Operator list box, select the operator.

    • In the Value text box, specify a value for the field.

      To specify values for a LIST field, you must use a comma to separate the multiple values and enclose all the values in a curly bracket. For example, {sam, ram, mac}.

  2. Click the plus (+) sign to add the recently created field expression to the Expression(s) list.

    The new expression is added to the Formula box by default. If a check includes only a single expression then the check formula is the same as the expression.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to create any number of expressions.

  4. In the Formula text box, you can use the check formula operators to connect the various expressions.

    By default, the new expressions are connected using the AND operator.

  5. Click the Validate Formula icon to validate the check formula that you have created. Click Next.

  6. In the Create Expression(s) panel, enter the information in the same manner as in steps 1 to 5. Click Next.

  7. In the Specify Check Content panel, enter the optional information such as risk rating, remediation, issue, CVE, and references. Click Next.

    See Modifying a check.

  8. In the Check Summary panel, you can view the information that you have entered. Click Back to make any changes and click Finish to exit the wizard.

More Information

Viewing check information in the details pane

Check details pane - Remediation tab

Check details pane - Issue tab

Check details pane - CVE tab

Check details pane - References tab

About the target type schema

Creating a new target type

Editing a target type