Create Filter Statement

The Create Filter Statement dialog box lets you create a statement that can be added as a filter for the selected asset field.

The Create Filter Statement dialog box presents the following options:

Select condition parameter type

Lets you select a parameter for the condition. You can choose to have a specific value, a special value, or an ordinal value for the condition.


Lets you select an operator from the list.

Specify Value

Lets you specify a value for the condition to be true.

For example, if you select 'Description' as the field to be used as filter for the ESM Agent asset type, your filter statement could be as follows:

IF Description <Operator> <Value>

See Examples of asset filters.


If you import the Windows Directory asset type, the value of the Depth field is set to 0 by default. If you do not change the value, then only the first level directories are imported in the asset import job.

Table: Filter statement operators

Operator Name


Filter Statement examples

Equal To (=)

A must be equal to B

Directory Name EqualTo 'Admin'

NotEqualTo (!=)

A must not be equal to B

Directory Name NotEqualTo 'HR'


The SQL like operator, with same syntax and semantics.

Database Name like DB2

Not Like

The SQL not like operator. Note the space between not and like. Any amount of white space (blanks, tabs, new lines, or carriage returns) is allowed here. The white space is not strictly required, but it is best not to omit it.

Database Name NotLike DB2

Match (=~ )

The regular expression matching operator.

Directory Name Match 'CM*'

NoMatch (!~ )

The negative of the expression matching operator.

Directory Name NotMatch 'CM*'


The SQL is null operator. A filter statement that uses this operator must not have a value specified. At least one white space character is required between is and null.

Depth IsNull


The negative of is null. The white space between not and null is not strictly required, but it is best not to omit it.

Depth IsNotNull


Forces case-sensitive string comparison.

Directory Name Exact 'ERCT'


Forces case-insensitive string comparison.

Directory Name Inexact 'ERCT'

Contains (%)

In case of single valued field, value on RHS has to be partially or completely matching with LHS. In case of multi valued field, every value on RHS has to be present on the LHS.

Owner Contains John

ContainsMatch (%~ )

In case of single valued field, the regular expression on RHS should match field value on LHS. In case of multi valued field, every regular expression on RHS should match at least one element on LHS.

Owner ContainsMatch John

NotContains (!% )

The negative of the Contains operator.

A NotContains B

NotContainsMatch (!%~ )

The negative of the ContainsMatch operator.

A NotContainsMatch B

More Information

Operators (, ), AND, OR

Importing assets