Create or Edit Asset Import Job: Select Asset Import Scope

The Select Asset Import Scope panel lets you select and add a scope for the import job.

You can use the Browse (...) option to browse through the scopes from which the asset import job should import the assets.

You can select the folders and the asset groups as scope for the asset import job. The asset folders, the asset groups, or the assets that are available for selection depend upon the scope limit that you specify in the Limit Asset Import Scope dialog box.

See Limit Asset Import Scope.

See About scopes in asset import.

The execution time of the asset import job depends upon the selected scope. You must effectively scope the assets to gather more relevant and specific asset data.

Consider the following example:

Assume that you want to import the Windows Files. You limit the scope to Windows Machine, which is default scope for the Windows Files. You select a folder as a scope that contains the Windows Machine and Windows Domain. In this case, the asset import query does not consider the Windows Domain as you have limited the scope to Windows Machine only.

More Information

Default scope and supported scope