Create or Edit Asset Group: Add Filter Statement

The Add Filter Statement dialog box lets you create a statement that can be added as a filter for the selected asset field.

The Add Filter Statement dialog box presents the following options:

Select condition parameter type

Lets you select a parameter for the condition. You can choose to have a specific value, a special value, or an ordinal value for the condition.


Lets you select an operator from the list.

Specify Value

Lets you specify a value for the condition to be true.

When you specify a value for the string data type you can use a semi colon (;) to type multiple values for the same field.

For example, if you select 'Description' as the field to be used as filter for the ESM Agent asset type, your filter statement could be as follows:

IF Description <Operator> <Value>

Table N-0 lists descriptions of the operators that can be used for creating a filter statement..

Table: Field filter statement operators


Operator Name

Filter Statement using sample values A, B, and the operator


Equal To =

The equality operator

A = B

A must be equal to B

Lesser Than or Equal To <=

The less than or equal operator

A <= B

A must be less than or equal to B

Greater Than or Equal To >=

The greater than or equal operator

A >= B

A must be greater than or equal to B

More Information

Operators (, ), AND, OR

Creating a dynamic asset group

Creating a static asset group