Create New Entity Schema: Create New Field

The Create New Field dialog box lets you create new fields for the entity. Once the fields are added, they are displayed for the Add Fields panel of the wizard.

The fields of the Create New Field dialog box and their descriptions are as follows:

Field name

Enter the name of the field.

This field is mandatory.

Display name

Enter the display name of the field.

The display name of the field appears in the evaluation report that is generated for the collected data of the asset.


Enter the description for the field.


Enter the field type.

The field can belong to any one of the following types:

  • String

    Select the type as string if the field returns a string data. For example, domainname can be a field that returns the name of the computer domain as a string when queried.

  • Boolean

    Select the type as boolean if the field returns True or False values.

    For example, isFileAvailable can be a field of the Windows Files entity that returns either true or false as values when queried.

  • Integer

    Select the type as integer if the field returns an integer.

    For example, NumberofProcessors can be a field of any entity that returns an integer value.

  • Date Time

    Select the type as Date Time if the field returns the date and time.

    For example, Date/Time can be a field of any entity that returns the date and time of the data collection.

Is case sensitive

Select this option based on whether the field value is to be case sensitive or not.

The case sensitive option is used during the evaluation of the data that is returned for the field.

For example, for the field, FQDN, if the Is case sensitive option is not selected, then evaluation of the data that is returned for this field need not be case sensitive.

Is array

Select this option if the field data is stored in an array.

For example, IP address can be a field for which the string data is returned as an array when queried.

If you create a field, which is of Type, String and an array, then you must ensure that the data specified is of the List field format.

See About the list field format in CSV file.