HP NNMi Adapter

HP NNMi Adapter automatically forwards incidents from NNMi into the HPOM for Windows active messages browser. It also provides easy access to the NNMi console from within HP Operations Manager (HPOM) for Windows.

The HP NNMi Adapter is installed automatically with HP Operations Manager for Windows, but you need to perform some configuration tasks before you can use it. See HP NNMi Adapter Configuration Tasks.

HP NNMi Adapter: Three Main Components

HP NNMi Adapter: Features

NNMi detects a network problem, processes and correlates it, and displays it in the NNMi incident browser. When enabled, you can configure the HP NNMi Adapter to forward incidents automatically to one or more HPOM servers. You can also configure filters in NNMi that enable incidents to be forwarded to HPOM only when they meet certain criteria.

You can see the forwarded incidents in the HPOM active messages browser. These messages in the HPOM browser are associated with the original incidents reported in NNMi. So from within HPOM you can launch the NNMi incident browser showing the original incident. Each NNMi incident has a unique identity, so that even where HPOM is consolidating events across multiple NNMi management server installations, you can trace a particular incident back to its origin in NNMi and investigate it.

You can access HP NNMi Web Tools from nodes in the HPOM console, and from the active and acknowledged message browsers. All HP NNMi Web Tools require a web browser supported by NNMi to be installed on HPOM consoles. Check the NNMi documentation for supported web browser versions.

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