This operation deletes an annotation from an existing incident. The annotation to delete is identified by annotation ID. The existing incident is identified by incident ID.
Element incExt:AnnotationId of type xs:string, which contains the ID of the annotation to delete.
SOAP Header
Contains a string that identifies the resource type. You can use the element wsa:ReferenceParameters/wsman:ResourceURI from an element of type wsa:EndPointReferenceType.
Alternatively, create a wsman:ResourceURI element that contains the following string:
Contains one element of type wsman:SelectorType, which identifies the incident instance. You can use the element wsa:ReferenceParameters/wsman:SelectorSet from an element of type wsa:EndpointReferenceType. (See Endpoint References.)
Alternatively, create a wsman:SelectorSet that contains one wsman:Selector element of type wsman:SelectorType:
have the value IncidentID
.Contains a maximum duration within which you expect the service to respond. On an HPOM for UNIX management server, the service returns a TimedOut fault if it cannot respond in time.
The SOAP body is empty.
If it cannot delete the annotation, the service returns a fault according to the WS-Management standard.