This operation sets the lifecycle state of an existing incident to closed. The incident is identified by the incident ID. Alternatively, you can use the CloseMany operation to close multiple incidents in one operation. (See CloseMany.)
SOAP Header
Contains a string that identifies the resource type. You can use the element wsa:ReferenceParameters/wsman:ResourceURI from an element of type wsa:EndPointReferenceType.
Alternatively, create a wsman:ResourceURI element that contains the following string:
Contains one element of type wsman:SelectorType, which identifies the incident instance. You can use the element wsa:ReferenceParameters/wsman:SelectorSet from an element of type wsa:EndpointReferenceType. (See Endpoint References.)
Alternatively, create a wsman:SelectorSet that contains one wsman:Selector element of type wsman:SelectorType:
have the value IncidentID
.Contains a maximum duration within which you expect the service to respond. On an HPOM for UNIX management server, the service returns a TimedOut fault if it cannot respond in time.
For an example, see Close Request SOAP Envelope Example.
The SOAP body is empty. For an example, see Close Response SOAP Envelope Example.
If it cannot close the incident, the service returns a fault according to the WS-Management standard.