HP Operations Manager for Windows

Keywords for flexible management policies

Keyword Definition
RESPMGRCONFIG Responsible manager configuration.
DESCRIPTION Short description of the manager.
SECONDARYMANAGERS Secondary managers of an agent. Each of these management servers have permission to take over responsibility and become the primary manager for an agent.
  • SECONDARYMANAGER: Name of the secondary manager.
  • NODE <node>: Node name of the secondary manager.
  • DESCRIPTION: Description of the secondary manager.
ACTIONALLOWMANAGERS Management servers that are allowed to execute actions on the managed node. The action response (for example, command broadcast) is sent to this manager. Only the primary manager can configure action-allowed managers for an agent.
  • ACTIONALLOWMANAGER: Name of the manager allowed to execute actions on the managed node.
  • NODE: Node name of the action-allowed manager. You can use the variable $OPC_PRIMARY_MGR to specify that this node name is always the node name of the primary manager.
  • DESCRIPTION: Short description of the action-allowed manager.
MSGTARGETRULES Message target rules.
  • MSGTARGETRULE: Rule to configure the message target conditions and the message target manager.
  • DESCRIPTION: Description of the message target rule.
MSGTARGETMANAGERS Message target managers. Management server to which the agents send messages, as well as the action responses to those messages. The result of a message is sent to only one management server. The keyword is also used to escalate messages from one management server to another.
  • MSGTARGETMANAGER: Message target manager. Management server to which you forward a message. Always specify the IP address of the target management server as The real IP address is then resolved by the domain name server (DNS).
  • TIMETEMPLATE: Time template. Name of the time template corresponding to the target manager. If the time condition is always true, you can use the variable $OPC_ALWAYS. If you use this keyword, message transfers to the target manager will not depend on the time.
  • OPCMGR: Node name of the target manager. You can use the keyword $OPC_PRIMARY_MGR to indicate that this will always be the primary manager.
  • MSGCONTROLLINGMGR: Message-controlling manager. Enables message target manager to switch control of a message.
  • NOTIFYMGR: Notify manager. Enables the message target manager to notify itself. This attribute is set by default if no attribute is defined for the message target manager.
  • ACKNONLOCALMGR: Enables a message rule to force a direct acknowledgment of a notification message on a source management server.
MSGTARGETRULECONDS Message target rule conditions.
  • MSGTARGETRULECOND: Condition that tells the agent to which management server to send specific messages. Messages are sent based on message attributes or time. The message agent evaluates the message target conditions by reading the file mgrconf. If the mgrconf file does not exist, the messages are sent to the management server name stored in the primmgr file. If the primmgr file does not exist, messages are sent according to instructions set using the ovconfchg command-line tool.
  • DESCRIPTION: Description of the message target rule condition.
  • SEVERITY: Severity level of the message. Can be Unknown, Normal, Warning, Minor, Major, Critical.
  • NODE <node>: One or more node names, separated by spaces. You can specify a node in different ways (for example, NODE IP hpbbn). If the node is defined using the format IP <ipaddress> or IP <ipaddress> <string>, you should use the IP address "" The real IP address is then resolved by the domain name server (DNS).
  • APPLICATION: Application name.
  • MSGGRP: Message group name.
  • OBJECT: Object name.
  • MSGTYPE: Description of the message type.
  • MSGCONDTYPE: Message condition type:
    • Match Condition is true if the specified attributes are matched.
    • Suppress Condition is true if the specified attributes are not matched.
TEXT A string containing all or part of the message text. Pattern-matching may be used.
  • SERVICE_NAME: A string containing the unique identifier of the service. Pattern-matching may be used.
  • MSGOPERATION: Message operation:
    • Suppress
    • Log-only
    • Inservice