Configure DCE agents to communicate with HP Operations Manager for UNIX

The instructions below explain how to configure an DCE agent that was deployed by HP Operations Manager for Windows, so that it sends messages to, and carries out actions from, an HP Operations Manager for UNIX management server. (HP Operations Manager for UNIX will not be able to deploy policies to this node.) Depending on the agent-based flexible management template that is used, all messages, or a subset of messages can be sent to the HP Operations Manager for Windows management server. In this example, messages are sent to different management servers based on their message group. (For more information about agent-based flexible management configuration, see the HP Operations Manager for UNIX documentation.)

Note NOTE:
Beginning with the 7.20 release of HP Operations, the DCE agent package is installed by default as a Local System account. The HP ITO account and opc_op account that were used in previous versions of the agent are no longer created. If, in a previous installation you configured tools or policies to run as opc_op user, these tools and policies are not automatically mapped to the Local System account. You must either create the opc_op account manually or reconfigure such tools and policies to specify another user, such as Local System. (See Agent Users and Change the password for multiple tools.

To configure DCE agents to communicate the HPOM for UNIX

  1. Prepare the HP Operations Manager for UNIX server:
    1. Set up the node in the HP Operations Manager for UNIX interface as 'controlled' (see the HP Operations Manager for UNIX documentation for details).
    2. Update the HP Operations Manager for UNIX configuration and start heartbeat polling for this node manually, using the following commands:
      1. /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcsw -installed <node>
      2. /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opchbp -start <node>
    3. As user root, copy the template below to the working directory:


      # This template sets the following configuration:
      #   - send messages with message group OpC to Unix management server
      #   - send messages with message group VPW to Windows management server
      #   - allow both servers to run actions on the node
      # none
      		DESCRIPTION "responsible mgrs for messages and agents"
      						NODE IP ""
      						DESCRIPTION "HP Operations Manager for UNIX management server"
      						NODE IP ""
      						DESCRIPTION "HP Operations Manager for Windows management server"
      						NODE IP ""
      						DESCRIPTION "HP Operations Manager for UNIX management server"
      						NODE IP ""
      						DESCRIPTION "HP Operations Manager for Windows management server"
      					 DESCRIPTION "Unix responsibility"
      							 DESCRIPTION "Unix messages"
      								MSGGRP "OpC"
      								OPCMGR IP ""
      					 DESCRIPTION "Windows responsibility"
      							 DESCRIPTION "Windows messages"
      								MSGGRP "VPW"
      								OPCMGR IP ""
      				 DESCRIPTION "Rest of News"
      								 OPCMGR IP "$OPC_PRIMARY_MGR"

      Rename the file either allnodes, if the file applies to all nodes, or the IP address of an individual managed node in Hex notation, generated using the command /opt/OV/bin/OpC/install/opc_ip_addr (use opc_ip_addr -h for more information).

    4. Modify the file with the names of the HP Operations Manager for UNIX and HP Operations Manager for Windows management servers.
    5. Run the HP Operations Manager for UNIX template validation tool opcmomchk(1) on the finished configuration file to ensure that your changes are correct:

      /opt/OV/bin/OpC/opcmomchk <file_name>

      See the man page opcmomchk(1) for more information.

    6. As user root, copy the validated file to the configuration directory:

      cp <file_name> /etc/opt/OV/share/conf/OpC/mgmt_sv/respmgrs/

      Note NOTE:
      If several, but not all, managed nodes have the same configuration, you can apply a symbolic link to the Hex file name of the related managed node. In addition, the same configuration directory can contain both an allnodes file and files for specific managed nodes. If configuration files for specific nodes are present, they are used in preference to the allnodes file for those nodes.

      HP Operations Manager for UNIX distributes the management responsibility configuration file from this directory as part of the standard template distribution process.
  2. Change the management server that is responsible for the agent:
    1. From the HP Operations Manager for UNIX management server, open a terminal window for the node.
    2. Execute /var/opt/OV/conf/OpC/ (on a UNIX node) or Program Files\HP\HP BTO Software\Installed Packages\{790C06B4-844E-11D2-972B-080009EF8C2A}\bin\OpC\install\mgmt_sv.vbs (on a Windows node) to make the HP Operations Manager for UNIX management server responsible for this node. The script has no parameters, it will ask for the complete name of the HP Operations Manager for UNIX management server.
  3. Distribute the agent-based flexible management template(s) to the appropriate managed nodes:
    1. On the HP Operations Manager for UNIX server, select the nodes in the Node Bank window or other submap, then select Actions:Agents arrowInstall/Upgrade SW & Config...
    2. Select the Templates check box in the Install/Update Software and Configuration window.
    3. Click OK.

    Or use the command line:
    opcragt -distrib -templates -force <name of HP Operations Manager for Windows managed node>

  4. To switch agent back to HP Operations Manager for Windows:

    Execute above script again, now with the name of the HP Operations Manager for Windows management server.

Note NOTE:
To start an HPOM for Windows tool on an HPOM for UNIX managed node, the corresponding HPOM for Windows scripts have to be available on the HPOM for UNIX managed node. When you want to start an HPOM for UNIX application on an HPOM for Windows managed node, the corresponding HPOM for UNIX instrumentation files must be available on the HPOM for Windows node.