Configure HTTPS agent installation defaults

If you are using HTTPS agents, you can specify default settings that you want the management server to apply when it automatically installs the agent on specific nodes. You can specify default values for any attributes that you would otherwise set using ovconfchg on the node.

Note NOTE:
You can also use these settings for manual HTTPS agent installations by creating an agent profile.

To configure HTTPS agent installation defaults

  1. Copy the file:




  2. Open the new file in a text editor.
  3. On a new line, type the namespace that the parameter you want to set belongs to. Enclose the namespace in brackets []. For example, to specify a default value for a parameter in the namespace, add the following line to the file:


  4. Optional. After the namespace and on a new line, specify the node or nodes to which the management server should apply the default setting. Type a pattern that matches one or more node names or IP addresses. Use standard HPOM pattern syntax. For example:

    Type a colon (:) at the end of the pattern.

    Note NOTE:
    To specify a default setting for all nodes, omit the pattern and colon.

  5. Type the attribute and default value separated by an equal sign (=). If you specified a node pattern, continue on the same line, after the colon (:). Otherwise, if the setting applies to all nodes, create a new line after the namespace. For example, to set the CERTIFICATE_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE attribute to MANUAL, type the following:


  6. Optional. You add further lines under the namespace, and also add other namespaces.

Example HTTPS agent installation defaults

The follow example shows a file that configures different proxies depending on a node's IP address. It also sets the certificate deployment to manual if a node's name does not contain

^192.168.<*>.<*> : PROXY =
^10.<*>.<*>.<*> : PROXY =


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