Forward outbound connections through a reverse channel proxy

To forward outbound connections through a reverse channel proxy

  1. Log in to the node or management server as a user with administrative rights and open a command prompt or shell.
  2. On nodes that run a UNIX or Linux operating system, ensure that the PATH variable contains the path to the agent commands.
  3. Specify the RCP to use for outbound connections. You can specify different RCPs to use depending on the destination host. Type the following command:

    ovconfchg -ns bbc.http -set PROXY <rcp>[;<rcp>]

    Separate each RCP with a semicolon. Specify each <rcp> in the following format:

    <rcp_hostname>:<rcp_port>+(<included hosts>)-(<excluded hosts>)

    Replace <included_hosts> with a comma-separated list of valid destination hostnames or IP addresses for the RCP. Replace <excluded hosts> with a comma-separated list of hostnames or IP addresses that system should not use the RCP to connect to. Asterisks (*) are wild cards in hostnames and IP addresses.

    Note NOTE:
    <excluded_hosts> must always contain the hostname and the fully qualified domain name of the RCP.

    For example, to configure an agent to use to connect to any host with a hostname that matches * or * except hosts with an IP address in the range to, you would type the following command:

    ovconfchg -ns bbc.http -set PROXY*,**.*,,rcp1)

  4. Optional. For an agent, specify the OvCoreID of the management server that the RCP should connect this agent to. This is useful if the RCP cannot resolve the hostnames of management servers because of firewalls. When an agent attempts to open a connection to a management server, the RCP can use the OvCoreID instead of the hostname to select the correct reverse administration channel. You can either specify the management server's OvCoreID directly, or specify a command that returns the OvCoreID.

  5. To restart the message agent, type ovc -restart opcmsga and then press Enter.