Redirect HTTPS communication through proxies


You can redirect connections from management servers and nodes that are on different networks through a proxy. The figure below shows connections between a management server and node through a proxy as follows:


A management server communicates with a node through an HTTP proxy

You can also redirect communication through proxies in more complex environments as follows:

The figure below shows connections between a management server and nodes through multiple proxies as follows:

A management server communicates with nodes on different networks using different HTTP proxies.

PROXY parameter syntax

You redirect outbound HTTPS communication through proxies by setting the PROXY parameter in the bbc.http name space on the management servers and nodes. You can configure this parameter in the following ways:

The value of the PROXY parameter can contain one or more proxy definitions. Specify each proxy in the following format:

<proxy_hostname>:<proxy_port>+(<included hosts>)-(<excluded hosts>)

Replace <included_hosts> with a comma-separated list of hostnames or IP addresses to which the proxy enables communication. Replace <excluded hosts> with a comma-separated list of hostnames or IP addresses to which the proxy cannot connect. Asterisks (*) are wild cards in hostnames and IP addresses. Both <included_hosts> and <excluded hosts> are optional.

To specify multiple proxies, separate each proxy with a semicolon (;). The first suitable proxy in the list takes precedence.

Example PROXY parameter values

To configure a node to use port 8080 for all outbound connections, you would use the following value:

To configure a management server to use to connect to any host with a hostname that matches * or * except hosts with an IP address in the range to, you would use the following value:*,**.*)

To extend the above example to use to connect to only, you would use the following value:;*,**.*)

In the above example, must be first, because the include list for contains *

To redirect HTTPS communication through proxies using ovconfchg

  1. Log in to the management server or node as a user with administrative rights and open a command prompt or shell.
  2. On nodes that run a UNIX or Linux operating system, ensure that the PATH variable contains the path to the agent commands.
  3. Specify the proxies that the node should use. You can specify different proxies to use depending on the host that the agent wants to connect to. Type the following command:

    ovconfchg -ns bbc.http -set PROXY <proxy>

Note NOTE:
When you use the command ovconfchg on a management server that runs in a cluster, add the parameter -ovrg server.

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