Configure communication broker ports


Management servers and nodes that have HTTPS agents both include communication brokers that listen for inbound connections on port 383, as the figure below shows. The communication broker on a management server (1) handles all inbound connections from nodes that have HTTPS agents, and also from other management servers. The communication broker on a node that has the HTTPS (2) agent handles all inbound connections from management servers.

A management server and a node, which both listen on port 383 for inbound connections from each other.

You can configure any communication broker to listen on a port other than 383. If you do this, you must also configure the other management servers and nodes in the environment, so that their outbound connections are destined for the correct port. For example, if you configure a node's communication broker to listen on port 5000, you must also configure the management server so that it connects to port 5000 when it communicates with this node.

PORTS parameter syntax

You configure communication broker ports by setting the PORTS parameter in the bbc.cb.ports name space on all management servers and nodes that communicate with each other. You can configure this parameter in the following ways:

The values must contain one or more host names or IP addresses and have the following format:

<host>:<port>[,<host>:<port>] ...

The <host> can be either a domain name or IP address. For example, to configure the communication broker port to 5000 on a management server with the host name, use the following command on the management server itself, and also any other management servers and nodes that open connections to it:

ovconfchg -ns bbc.cb.ports -set PORTS

If you need to configure communication broker ports on multiple systems, you can use wildcards and ranges, as follows:

If you specify multiple values for the PORTS parameter, separate each with a comma (,). For example:

ovconfchg -ns bbc.cb.ports -set PORTS *,10.*.*.*:5005

When you specify multiple values using wildcards and ranges that overlap, the management server or node selects the port to use in the following order:

For example, if you configure communication broker ports on all management servers and nodes with the following command:

ovconfchg -ns bbc.cb.ports -set PORTS *,10.*.*.*:6001,,10.0-127.*.*:6003

the following ports are used:

To find out which port is currently configured, type the following command:

bbcutil -getcbport <host>

Note Tip:
To organize settings for many communication broker ports, you can add parameters of any name in the bbc.cb.ports name space. The value of any parameter in the name space is evaluated. The PORTS parameter is optional.

To configure communication broker ports using ovconfchg

  1. Open a command prompt on the management server or node.
  2. On nodes that run a UNIX or Linux operating system, ensure that the PATH variable contains the path to the agent commands.
  3. Specify the communication broker ports by typing the following command:

    ovconfchg -ns bbc.cb.ports -set PORTS <host>:<port>[,<host>:<port>] ...

Note NOTE:
When you use the command ovconfchg on a management server that runs in a cluster, add the parameter -ovrg server

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