Agent packages in 64 bit format are available, which you can deploy to nodes that have 64 bit architectures and operating systems. You can also deploy agent packages in 32 bit format to some 64 bit nodes. For more information, see the support matrix at HP Software Support Online.
If you have 32 bit agent packages installed on nodes that have 64 bit architectures and operating systems, you can migrate to the 64 bit packages. When you do this, the management server removes all existing policies, instrumentation and packages from that node. After it deploys the 64 bit agent packages, it then redeploys the policies, and the packages and instrumentation that the policies require.
PMAD user. The management server attempts to deploy the agent as the user under which the policy management and deployment (PMAD) service runs (called HP-OVE-Deleg-User by default).
You can only use this for nodes with a Windows operating system. The nodes can belong to the same domain as the management server, a trusted domain, or a workgroup.
The PMAD user does not by default have administrative access to the
node. For more information, see
Start Windows node security setup.
Impersonate user. The management server attempts to deploy the agent using the credentials that you are currently logged in to Windows with.
You cannot use impersonation for nodes in untrusted domains or workgroups.
You can use impersonation only if the PMAD user is trusted for delegation in Active Directory, unless your console runs directly on the management server. For more details on delegation, refer to the Active Directory documentation that Microsoft provides.
User/Password. The Credentials dialog box appears. Type the Username of a user who has permission to install software on the node and their Password. Click OK. This automatically selects the Deploy check box.
For nodes with a UNIX or Linux operating system, this is the only command available. You can also use this command to install the HTTPS agent to Windows nodes that belong to the same domain as the management server, a trusted domain, or a workgroup.
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