Read-me File for HP Operations DCE Agents on Windows

Revised March 2008


Supported Platforms

Platform support information changes regularly. For up-to-date information, see the support matrix at HP Software Support Online.

Hardware Requirements

Before installing the agent on a supported Windows system, make sure that the system meets the following hardware requirements:

Software Requirements

The following section contains requirements for Windows managed nodes Windows 2000, XP, Windows Server 2003, and Novell NetWare.

You can run without NetBIOS as part of your Windows 2000 and XP managed node networking environments as long as Active Directory Service (ADS) client software is installed.

Running the management server in a Microsoft® Cluster HA package is possible. You should note the following requirements and limitations when installing on a node in a cluster:

Restrictions if the Default Local System Account is Not Used

Observe the following restrictions if you are installing to an Active Directory domain controller. If your agent is running under the Local System account, you can disregard these instructions.

If you want to install agents on Active Directory domain controllers (DC) and if you cannot use the default Local System account (your agent is running as an HP ITO account) follow the sequence described:

  1. Install the agent software on the Active Directory DC with the Primary Domain Controller (PDC) emulator FSMO role before you attempt to install the agent on any additional DC.
  2. Wait for the Active Directory domain controller account information to be replicated to the other DCs. It may take some time for the account information to be published to the other DCs. The installation of the agent software will only succeed if the account information has been replicated.
  3. Install the agent software on the domain controllers.

SNMP Requirements for all Windows Managed Nodes

All Windows managed nodes must meet these SNMP requirements to collect SNMP events and discover node properties:

Windows 2000 Managed Node Software

Windows 2000 Professional, Server Edition, Advanced Server Edition or Data Center Edition, Service Pack 1, 2, 3, and 4. Windows 2000 without any service packs is not supported.

Recommended: Windows 2000 SP4.

Microsoft recommends that users accept all critical updates from Windows Update, available from the top of your Start menu. Click Windows Update to reach the Microsoft Windows Update web page, where you can scan for recent updates of critical and lesser severity. A list of critical updates is returned and you can select those you want to download. HP Operations Manager for the Windows operating system was tested with Microsoft's critical updates.

Windows XP Managed Node Software

Microsoft recommends that users accept all critical updates from Windows Update, available from the Admin dialog. Select All Programs -> Windows Update to reach the Microsoft Windows Update web page, where you can scan for recent updates of critical and lesser severity. A list of critical updates is returned and you can select those you want to download. HPOM for Windows was tested with Microsoft's critical updates.

Windows Server 2003 Managed Node Software

All Windows Server 2003 managed nodes must meet the requirements for the SNMP service for all Windows managed nodes, as described above.

Microsoft recommends that users accept all critical updates from Windows Update, available from the Admin dialog.

To reach the Microsoft Windows Update web page, where you can scan for recent updates of critical and lesser severity, select:

All Programs -> Windows Update

A list of critical updates is returned and you can select those you want to download. HPOM for Windows was tested with Microsoft's critical updates.

Agent Software Directories

HPOM for Windows provides a set of binary files for Windows managed nodes, located in the following directory on the management server.


For example:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\HP\HP BTO Software\shared\Packages\Windows\Windows_manual\en


To manually install the agent on a non-English language system, use the Japanese language version of the agent for Japanese systems, and the English language version for all other languages (for example, Spanish, Korean, or Chinese).

Agent Installation Procedure

Although the agent is usually installed using the management server console, there are some circumstances when installing the agent manually on the Windows node is advantageous or essential, for example:

The HPOM package is a mechanism for deploying an agent without using an HPOM management server.

This installation installs the agent and the configfile policy type (which is used by some Smart Plug-ins).

Installation Types

You can deploy, remove, or reinstall packages on a node from the console with the credentials that you log into the console with.

Alternatively, if the console users do not have permission to add and remove programs on the managed node, you can add the policy management and deployment (PMAD) user to the local administrators group. By default, in an Active Directory environment, the management server installation creates the PMAD user with the name HP-OVE-Deleg-User (but the administrator who installs the management server can specify a different user name).

You can add the PMAD user to the local administrators group using Computer Management in Windows. Alternatively, you can start the Windows Node Security Setup on the management server. Log in to the management server as a user with administrative rights on the node (for example, a member of the domain administrators group) and then start OveConfig.exe from a command prompt:

<installation directory>\bin\OveConfig.exe <management server host name> <unique ID of node>

To copy the unique ID of a node:

  1. Right-click the node in the console tree, and then click Properties.
  2. In the General tab, select the value of Unique ID, including the braces ({}).
  3. Right-click the selected ID, and then click Copy.

Installing the Agent

  1. Check to ensure that the managed node meets all hardware and software requirements specified above. Update the node as necessary before continuing.


    Prerequisites can be checked automatically with the ovoreqcheckagt tool, with the command:


    For detailed information about the ovoreqcheckagt tool, refer to the HPOM for Windows online help.

  2. On the management server, go to the directory:


    Copy the directory to your managed node system or to some portable media.

  3. On the node, start setup.exe.

  4. In the Destination Folders screen you can use the default destination folder or select a destination folder where you want to install the agent. The destination location you select here will be used as the default folder for other HP BTO Software products and once set cannot be changed without first uninstalling all HP BTO Software products using it. This includes the agent.

    The default destination folders are:

    <ProgramFilesFolder>\HP OpenView\


    <ProgramFilesFolder>\HP OpenView\Data

    where <ProgramFilesFolder> is the default program files parent folder on the target machine.

  5. In the Agent Configuration screen, set the host name of the agent's management server and the name of the account that the agent service will use.

    In Hostname, type the fully qualified name of the management server that you want to manage this node, for example, "".

    In the Run Agent service as radio group, select either HP ITO Account or LocalSystem.

    In previous releases, the two local user accounts (HP ITO Account and opc_op account) were created on the node and random passwords were generated. Since the OVO for Windows 7.20 release, the HP ITO Account and opc_op account are no longer created on the node. Instead, the Local System account is used as the default.

    If you are upgrading from a previous release that used the HP ITO Account, you can continue to use this account. Upgrades keep the existing user on the node. See the HP Operations Manager for Windows Installation Guide for further details on the HP ITO Account and Local System accounts.

    After the agent is installed, you can change the management server host name and agent service account by invoking Modify mode (see Installation Types).

  6. Click Install to begin the installation.
  7. Check the status of the completed installation operation by viewing the install log file. Log files reside in <TempFolder> (where <TempFolder> is the name of the target machine's "temp" folder. This is typically:

    C:\Temp or C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Local Settings\Temp

    A log file is created for every install operation (see Installation Types below) using the following naming rules:

    Any previous log file is saved by appending a number to its file name before the new log file is created.

  8. If you want to check to see if the agent is running, open a command shell and enter:

    opcagt -status

    To restart the agent, enter:

    opcagt -start

Performing An Unattended (Silent Mode) Installation

You can install agents in unattended mode by using a configuration file and some command line parameters. In addition, you can use the configuration file in an interactive installation to offer different default values in the install wizard. In the configuration file you can specify all the configuration values that you can specify during an interactive install.

The default configuration file is named AgentConfig.ini and resides in the same location as the installation files. The installation uses this file automatically. You can also specify an alternative configuration file on the install command line (see below). For instructions on how to edit configuration parameters read the information contained in the AgentConfig.ini file.

There are three methods for launching an unattended install:

Command Line Options

Unattended Install Examples

Install the Agent Using a Third-Party Tool

It is possible to use the third-party tool NetInstall to perform the manual installation of the Windows agent. If you own the NetInstall software (which is not provided with HPOM for Windows) you can use it to install the Windows agent providing you meet the preconditions described below and the correct patches are applied.

If you do not want to accept the defaults in the AgentConfig.ini file, you need to change the file in these areas: (You must at least modify the management server host name section.)

You will find the AgentConfig.ini file with the rest of the agent package in the following folder on the management server:


To use NetInstall to manually install the Windows agent, follow these steps:

  1. Change a copy of the AgentConfig.ini file.
  2. Follow the NetInstall Guide instructions on setting up the HP Operations Manager Manual Agent.msi file.
  3. Refer to the NetInstall documentation for further instructions to configure and deploy the manual agent installation.

Operating the Agent

When the computer is connected to the network, it will begin to broadcast its presence to the management server. Use the procedure below to begin to manage the node.

Managing A Windows Node With A Manually Installed Agent

To manage a Windows node with a manually installed agent, complete the following steps:

  1. In the console tree, right-click a node and select Configure Nodes. The Configure Managed Nodes window opens.
  2. In the Configure Managed Nodes window, expand the Unmanaged Nodes with Agents folder and locate the node that you manually added.
  3. Click the node in the Unmanaged Nodes with Agents folder, drag it to the Nodes folder, and drop it into the chosen folder.
  4. Select OK.
  5. In the console tree, right-click the new node and select: All Tasks -> Synchronize inventory -> Packages. This updates the package inventory to reflect the version of the agent.
  6. Optional. Start the Windows Node Security Setup, (see above).

Managing A Non-English Windows Node

After performing the installation procedure above, you need to indicate the character set that the node is using by adding an entry to the nodeinfo file on the node.

  1. Open the file %ovagentdir%\conf\opc\nodeinfo in a text editor.

  2. Add the line:

    OPC_NODE_CHARSET <character set>

    Where <character set> is one of the following:

    If you use utf8 or ascii as codeset in the nodeinfo file, the data is not converted but is sent "as is" to the management server. Therefore the data must be in a codeset the management server can handle.

    With OVO for UNIX®, the management server cannot communicate with a managed node that uses the codeset utf8. If the managed node reports to both an HPOM for Windows and an OVO for UNIX management server, use ascii instead of utf8.

If for some reason the node does not appear under unmanaged nodes, you can add it as if it were a new node.

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