HP Operations Manager for Windows


Return the list of prerequisites for the specified System.

HRESULT GetRequirements2(
[in] BSTR System,
[in, optional] VARIANT AgentCommType,
[in, optional] VARIANT AgentBinaryFormat,
[in, defaultvalue(RP_TXT)] ReportFormat rpFormat,
[out, retval] BSTR* Requirements


Identifies the System for which to return prerequisites. It directly relates to the [VER] tag in the prerequisite check configuration file.
Value of this parameter (VARIANT of type string) is copied to variable AGENT_COMM_TYPE. If parameter is not specified (VARIANT of type Empty), variable is defined as empty string. Possible values:
  • "DCE"
  • "HTTPS"
Value of this parameter (VARIANT of type Int16) is copied to variable AGENT_BINARY_FORMAT. If parameter is not specified (VARIANT of type Empty), variable is defined as empty string. Possible values are defined with tag [AGT_BIN_FRMT]. If tag is not specified, validation of this parameter is not performed.

Specifies the format of the returned list of prerequisites. For valid values, see CheckNode.

Returning Parameter

String containing the list of prerequisites for the specified System.

HRESULT Return Values

If not ovrcNoError, IErrorInfo is created, and a detailed error description is traced.

Method executed successfully.

Prerequisite check configuration file cannot be accessed.

Prerequisite check configuration file cannot be read.

Prerequisite check configuration file cannot be closed.

UseManagementServer method was not called. Each client should first call the UseManagementServer method to set the management server from which the prerequisite check configuration should be used.

Syntax of the prerequisite check configuration file is not valid.

(other FAILED)
Another type of error occurred.


The GetRequirements2 is similar as method IOvReqCheck::GetRequirements. You can specify the agent communication type and agent binary format.

The GetRequirements2 method returns the list of prerequisites for the specified System as a string formatted (XML/TXT) according to the rpFormat parameter.

Note NOTE:
Variable AGENT_COMM_TYPE / AGENT_BINARY_FORMAT is defined as empty string if parameter AgentCommType / AgentBinaryFormat is not specified.