HP Operations Manager for Windows


Verify whether prerequisite checking is enabled:

HRESULT CheckingEnabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);

Enable/disable prerequisite checking:

HRESULT CheckingEnabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL newVal);

HRESULT Return Values

If not ovrcNoError, IErrorInfo is created, and a detailed error description is traced.

Get/set performed successfully.

The UseManagementServer method was not called. Each client should first call the UseManagementServer method to set the management server from which the prerequisite check configuration should be used.

(other FAILED)
Another type of error occurred.


With the CheckingEnabled property, you can verify whether prerequisite checking is enabled (for GUI and PMAD operations). Prerequisite checking can be enabled or disabled by setting it to VARIANT_TRUE or VARIANT_FALSE.